Working For the State, Minding You Own Business: On Dynamics and Complexity in Eshnunna’s State Administration (2070–1850 BC)

Český egyptologický ústav FF UK srdečně zve na přednášku archeologa z University of Toronto a Royal Ontario Museum, Clemense Reichela. Bude se konat v  Praze (3. května od 16:00 v Zelené posluchárně, Celetná 20) a je nazvaná Working For the State, Minding You Own Business: On Dynamics and Complexity in Eshnunna’s State Administration (2070–1850 BC).

Abstrakt: For more than two hundred years Eshnunna was one of the principal power players on the Mesopotamian political stage. Throughout its history, from its rise as a provincial center during the Ur III period to its time as capital of an independent state, it political leadership was based from the Palace of the Rulers, a palatial complex located in the middle of the city. Comprehensive excavations, undertaken by the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute during the 1930s, not only not only uncovered several building phases dating between 2070 – 1850 BC, but also over 1200 cuneiform tablets and clay sealings that reflect the surviving paper trail of the palace’s administration. Using spatial and locational analyses to reintegrate textual data into corresponding architectural contexts this paper will reconstruct the administrative history of this building, its functional organization, and highlight the fates of its key players over time.


Pozvánka na přednášku v pdf.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
3.5.2017 16:00 - 18:00
Místo konání
Celetná 20, Praha 1, Zelená posluchárna
Webové stránky
Český egyptologický ústav FF UK
Typ události
Úvod > Kalendář událostí > Přednášky > Working For the State, Minding You Own Business: On Dynamics and Complexity in Eshnunna’s State Administration (2070–1850 BC)