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Sue Kelly vystudovala egyptologii na Macquarie University v Sydney. Ve své vědecké kariéře se snaží osvětlit přínos a vliv staroegyptských žen na společnost prostřednictvím výzkumu jejich společenského postavení. Její plánovaná kniha Unveiling Female Social Power (c. 3080–2180 BCE) bude zkoumat ženské tituly z raně dynastického období a období stavitelů pyramid a nabídne nový pohled na jejich roli. Na základě studia statistických údajů zpochybňuje tradiční pohled na zapojení žen do egyptské společnosti.
Nedávno zahájila své působení v rámci Marie Curie Actions Fellowship na Českém egyptologickém ústavu pod vedením doc. Hany Vymazalové. V rámci svého pobytu rozšíří svůj chronologický průzkum staroegyptských žen na První přechodnou dobu s projektem „The Impact of Political and Climate Change on Women’s Agency: A Social Power Analysis“ (IPOCCWWA Grant No 101148700). Tento projekt si klade za cíl identifikovat veřejné aktivity, vliv, práva či autoritu královských i nekrálovských žen, což umožní komparativní analýzu s jejím stávajícím datovým souborem a sledování změn a výkyvů způsobených politickým a sociálním vývojem v První přechodné době.
- 2017–2021: Doctor of Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney: Conferred 24.6.2021. Thesis: Female Engagement in Domains of Social Power in Ancient Egypt’s Dynasties 1–6: An interdisciplinary approach to women’s titles
- 2015–2016: Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research, Macquarie University, Sydney: Conferred 21.4.2016. Thesis: Identifying the Women of Early Dynastic Egypt: An Analysis of the Women’s Funerary Stelae/Slabs from Abu Rawash, Helwan and Abydos
- 2011–2013: Bachelor of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney: Conferred 15.4.2014
- Marie Curie Actions Fellowship (2024-2026)
- Australian Centre for Egyptology Support Grant (2022)
- Macquarie University, Covid Research Fellowship (2021-2022)
- Macquarie University, Covid Research Fellowship Travel Subsidy (2021-2022)
- Australian Centre for Egyptology Support Grant (2022)
- Michelle McLean Egyptology Scholarship (2021)
- Macquarie University Faculty of Arts Candidate Conference Travel Scheme (2019)
- Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies Research Grant (2018)
- Macquarie University Post Graduate Research Fund (2018-2019)
- Macquarie University Faculty of Arts Candidate Conference Travel Scheme (2018)
- Macquarie Research Excellence Scheme. Full research scholarship for selected PhD candidates (2017–2020)
- Master of Research Scholarship, Higher Degree Research Faculty (2015-2016)
- Macquarie Ancient History Association Travel Scholarship (2015)
- Macquarie Equity Cost Scholarship (2012-2013)
Výuka a přednášky
- Basel University, Switzerland, September 202: Current Research in Egyptology: New Insights into Prevalent Old Kingdom Women’s Titles (refereed)
- Australian Centre for Egyptology/Rundle Foundation Public Lecture, Sydney August 2023: New Technology Illuminating Ancient Evidence: Meretneith – A Case Study (by invitation)
- Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, June 2023: Tenth European Conference of Egyptologists: Perspectives of Research, Political Power: More Than a Title (refereed)
- American University Press Cairo (hybrid), March 2023: Mariam Ayad and Contributing Scholars Discuss ‘Women in Ancient Egypt’ (invited panellist)
- Macquarie University, Sydney, November 2022: Reflections: Covid-19 Fellowship: Lifting the veil Female Social Power in Early Egypt (c. 3080-2180 BCE) (invited)
- Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, September 2022, Origins, the 7th International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Lifting the Veil: Female Social Power in Early Egypt (Dynasties 1–3) (Poster Presentation) (refereed)
- Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, September 2022, Current Research in Egyptology: Women’s Engagement in the Ideological Domain Dynasties 1–6 (refereed)
- Macquarie University, Sydney June 2022, 6th Australasian Egyptology Conference: Women’s Engagement in the Ideological Domain Dynasties 1–6 (refereed)
- Australian Centre for Egyptology/Rundle Foundation Public Lecture, Sydney February 2022: Lifting the Veil: Female Social Power in Early Egypt (c. 3080-2180 BCE) (by invitation)
- American University, Cairo, October-November 2019, Women in Ancient Egyptian Current Research and Historical Trends Conference: Old Data–New Perspectives: Changing the Lens on Early Dynastic Women’s History (refereed)
- University of Oxford, England, February 2019, Graduate Seminar: Her-story v His-story: New Insights into Early Dynastic Egyptian Women (by invitation)
- University of Auckland, Auckland, September 2018, 5th Australasian Egyptology Conference: Evaluating the evidence of Female Sovereignty at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilisation (refereed)
- Macquarie University, Sydney, September 2018, Lecture for AHIS340: Women and Gender in the Ancient World (by invitation)
- University of Naples L’Orientale, Naples, May 2017, Current Research in Egyptology: Fact or Fiction: The Real Female Roles of Early Dynastic Women (refereed)
- Kelly S. A. (2024), Unveiling Female Social Power in Early Egypt (c. 3080–2180 B.C.E.), Oxford: BAR Publishing
Kapitoly v knihách
- Kelly S. A. (2022), “Women in the Economic Domain: First to Sixth Dynasties,” in M. Ayad (ed.), Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy, Cairo: American University Press.
- Kelly S. A. (in preparation), “Re-Excavating Women’s Agency in Ancient Egyptian’s Economic and Political Structure,” in M. Ayad and J. Williamson (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Women: Beyond Misrepresentation, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
- Kelly, S. A. (2024), “New Insights into Prevalent Old Kingdom Women’s Titles,” Current Research in Egyptology 2023. The Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Symposium, Basel University, Switzerland, 10-14th of September 2023, Oxford: Access Archaeology.
- Kelly S. A. (2019), “Women’s Work in the Early Dynastic Period,” Prague Egyptological Studies XXIII, pp. 92–105.