During the first September week, the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (Faculty of Arts, Main Building, Room no. 325) will host the interdisciplinary workshop Generous Patrons Loyal Clients. The workshop is organised by Phd candidates of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Martina Bardoňová and Věra Nováková. The workshop is dedicated to the topic of patronage across the societies. Patronage is a term denoting an informal, unequal but reciprocal relationship between two persons. The partner of higher standing (patron) provides the person of lower standing (client) with protection or other goods. The client pays him back with loyalty or other services/goods. The importance of the patronage resides in the fact that in some societies it may become one of the dominant relationships and permeate the state administration and government.
The main aim of our workshop is to provide scholars from various disciplines with the opportunity to engage with each other to discuss the typologies of sources coming from a wide range of societies and the types of traces which patronage leaves in them. Our main foci for this workshop will be discourse on these questions: What type of sources patron-client relations may be discerned in respective societies? What kind of evidence can be found within these sources?
The workshop will be divided into four sessions dedicated to different topics: 1. general questions related to the existence of patronage in a variety of societies; 2. patronage of artists and craftsmen; 3. royal patronage; 4. patronage in the international relations. Each of the sessions will be introduced by a lecturer of a renowned keynote speaker. These will we be Prof. Miroslav Bárta and Doc. Jana Mynářová, both from the Czech Institute of Egyptology, the latter presenting a joint paper with respected Polish scholar Lena Fijalkowska. The remaining keynote speakers are Dr. Mark Lehner, the director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, and, Dr. Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer, a Marie Curie scholar at University College London.
Programme of the workshop
DAY 1 (Monday 4th of September)
Miroslav Barta (Czech Institute of Egyptology): Patronage in the Old Kingdom: evidence from the sacred land
11:10–11:20: Discussion
11:20–11:45 Julia Hamilton (University of Oxford): ‘Finding patrons in personal names’
11:45–11:50: Discussion
11:50–12:15 Bertrand Augier (Université Paris Nanterre; l’Ecole Française de Rome): Influences et allégeances : les officiers des armées des guerres civiles à la lumière de la correspondance de Cicéron (49-43 av. J.-C.)
12:15–12:20: Discussion
12:30–14:00 LUNCH
14:00–14:25 Dana Bělohoubková (Czech Institute of Egyptology): Break the rule in tomb decoration: When the Scribe got the same tomb as the First prophet of Amun
14:25–14:30: Discussion
14:30–14:55 Fabrizio Oppedisano (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa): Aspects of the patronage in the Ostrogothic Italy
14:55–15:00: Discussion
15:00–15:30 COFFEE BREAK
Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer (Institute of Archaeology, UCL London): Wood craft and patronage: which material evidences?
16:20–16:30: Discussion
16:30–16:55 Gianluca Miniaci (University of Pisa):The heteroglossia (raznorechie) of markets: the uneven control over the chaîne opératoire of the faience production in the Middle Kingdom (2000-1750 BC)
16:55–17:00: Discussion
17:00–17:25 Martin Odler (Czech Institute of Egyptology): Ancient Egyptian metal model tools as the evidence of the patron-craftsman dependence and dependent craft specialization
17:25–17:30: Discussion
DAY 2 (Tuesday 5th of September)
Mark Lehner (director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project): Did Patronage Build the Gigantic 4th Dynasty Pyramids? And What was a z3
9:50–10:00: Discussion
10:00–10:25 Martina Bardonova and Věra Nováková (Czech Institute of Egyptology): „Gifts which obligate or obligatory gifts?” A question of evidence of a particular aspect of royal patronage (Old – Middle Kingdom)
10:25–10:30: Discussion
10:30–11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00–11:25 Massimiliano Nuzzolo (Czech Institute of Egyptology): The Appearance of Osiris: a case of royal patronage or a bottom up process?
11:25–11:30: Discussion
11:30–11:55 Alejandro Jiménez Serrano (Universidad de Jaén, Director of the Project Qubbet el-Hawa): The construction of the administration in Elephantine during the Third Millennium
11:55–12:00: Discussion
LUNCH (12:00 – 13:30)
13:30–13:55 Nenad Marković (Czech Institute of Egyptology): Loyalty to the kingship, not to a specific king: the royal ceremonies at the Saite court as a point of reference for the elite-building royal patronage
13:55–14:00: Discussion
14:00–14:25 Marco Martin (AIST-Associazione Internazionale Studi Tardoantichi): Patronage-relationship related to Celtic World in Greek and Roman sources (II century B.C.-I century A.D.)
14:25–14:30: Discussion
COFFE BREAK 14:30-15:00
Lena Fijałkowska (Department of Studies in the Development of State and Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Łódź) – Jana Mynářová (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University): Patrons and Clients in the Late Bronze Age Levant. The question of evidence
15:50–16:00: Discussion
16:00–16:25 Uroš Matić (University of Münster): Vassals, clients or mimic men? Case studies from Middle Bronze Age Tell el-Dab‘a (Avaris) and Byblos
16:25–16:30: Discussion
16:30–17:00 COFFEE BREAK
Martina Bardoňová