September 4th and 5th the Faculty of Arts hosted international workshop on topic of patron-client relations. Even though the majority of the participants were Egyptologists, the lectures on subjects concerning Ancient Near East (Lena Fijalkowská, Jana Mynářová), Ancient Rome (Bertrand Augier), late Antiquity (Fabrizio Oppedisano) or Celtic world (Marco Martin) represent important contributions to the discussion. Quite varied were also the topics presented by the present Egyptological scholars. First, we were introduced to the whole problematic by the lecture of prof. Miroslav Bárta. Other talks focused on questions concerning production of wooden, faience and metal objects (Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer, Gianluca Miniaci, Martin Odler). Mark Lehner re-opened the question of on what base crews building the pyramids were organized. Different sources which could be related to patronage among elites were dealt with by Dana Bělohoubková (particular tomb decoration) and Julia Hamilton (personal names). Nenad Marković, Uroš Matić and Massimiliano Nuzzolo focused on different sources and aspects related to possible royal patronage.