In between August 22 and 25, the Czech Institute of Egyptology hosted a small international workshop, focusing on how individuals as well as priestly communities adapt to ongoing political-ideological as well as socio-economic changes and reshape its identity/-ies, during two distinct periods of ancient Egyptian history: the Amarna age, and the Ptolemaic and Roman period.
The participants included Filip Coppens, Dana Bělohoubková, Jiří Honzl, and Dorotea Wollnerová of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, as well as Silke Caßor-Pfeiffer (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, IANES – Ägyptologie), Kenneth Griffin (The Egypt Centre, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Swansea University), Gabriele Pieke (Reiss-Engelhorn Museen, Mannheim), and Nico Staring (Leiden Institute for Area Studies – Egyptology, Leiden University).
The workshop was organised as part of the Czech Science Foundation – Grant GA ČR 19-07268S:
“Continuity, Discontinuity and Change. Adaptation Strategies of Individuals and Communities in Egypt at Times of Internal and External Transformations”.