The latest issue of the journal Prague Egyptological Studies brings an obituary of Prof. Břetislav Vachala who passed away recently. Besides that, the issue contains the map of the archaeological structures at Abusir with selected English bibliography. Two reports about excavations of the tomb of Kairsu at Central Abusir follow. Other archaeological reports are devoted to uncovering of the causeway of King Sahure and of the pyramid complex of King Djedkare, and also to exploration of the Lake of Abusir. Studies focus on the male employees of the so-called khener-institution or on fishing and fowling scenes in the tomb of the provincial governor Ibi. Finally, a book review of the publication of Anne Minault-Gout on stone vessels can be found in the issue as well.
The journal can be purchased in the e-shop of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.