Mgr. Diana Míčková, Ph.D.


photo: © Jana Plavec, Akademie věd ČR

Diana Míčková focuses primarily in ancient Egyptian religious texts, mythology, and magic. In her dissertation, she dealt with the texts from the inner side of the outer sarcophagus of the priest Iufaa. She is currently completing a second doctoral thesis in Classical Philology, where she focuses on the ancient art of memory. Since 2015, she has participated in archaeological excavations in Abusir, working on translations and interpretations of texts from the shaft tombs of the Saite-Persian period. She regularly lectures at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, mainly on ancient Egyptian language and literature. Since 2021, she has been a member of the international project Alchemies of Scent at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where she studies, among others, texts from the temples of Edfou and Athribis. She is also collaborating on research of the textual findings from Gebel el-Haridi and is member of an international project dedicated to the mythology of rivers in the ancient Mediterranean world.


2016– PhD candidate at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague

2016–2023 PhD Degree in Egytology, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague

7/2018–8/2018 Erasmus+ stipendist at the Institute of Egyptology, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

2014–2016 Master’s Degree in Egyptology and History of Classical Antiquity, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague (summa cum laude)

2011–2014 Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Archaeology and History and Culture of the Eastern Mediterranean in Antiquity, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague (summa cum laude)

Work experience

1/2024– scientific member of the project Hieroglyphs Recognition and Translation, GA ČR, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Faculty of Arts

1/2024– scientific member of the project Rivers in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study, Primus, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Arts

1/2023– participation on the project Specific University Research (SVV), Literatura a umění v průsečíku hledání kulturní identity, Charles University, Faculty of Arts

12/2021– scientific member of the international project Alchemies of Scent, the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

10/2021– documentation of the numismatic collection of the National Museum in Prague2/2021– co-author of the prepared schoolbook of History (6th Grade), Fraus Publishing

9/2016– lecturer of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Middle Egyptian, Demotic, Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Literature)

2020–2022 participation on the project Specific University Research (SVV), Literatura v interdisciplinárních souvislostech, Charles University, Faculty of Arts

2018–2021 member of the project KREAS (Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World), Charles University, Faculty of Arts

4/2015–12/2021 scientific member of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (including preparation of editio princeps of religious texts from the Saite-Persian tombs at Abusir, participation in archaeological expeditions and in the project KREAS)

Grant projects

3/2024–12/2024 principal investigator of the grant project Graeco-Egyptian mummy labels and other texts from the current excavations at Gebel el-Haridi: translation, analysis and interpretation (The Charles University Grant Agency)

1/2016–12/2018 principal investigator of the grant project Ancient Egyptian stories of Middle Kingdom – translation, analysis and making the grammatical structure of the texts accessible to general linguistics (The Charles University Grant Agency)

Conferences and workshops (selection)

2024 “Greeks or Egyptians? The mummy labels from Gebel el-Haridi” (Mohamed Hussein Ahmed – Diana Míčková), Unseen – Untold: Stories of ancient non-elite communities, Leiden

2024 “Manifestations of the Sun’s Eye on the outer sarcophagus of Iufaa”, Ancient Egyptian deities and their numerous names: the One and the Many in religious discourse and practice, Basel

2024 “HieroRecon: towards automatic recognition of hieroglyphs”, CRE 2024, Liverpool

2024 “Mummy labels from the necropolis of Gebel el-Haridi” (Mohamed Hussein Ahmed – Diana Míčková), Necropoleis Research Network Annual Meeting VII, Istanbul

2023 “Forgotten names: Preliminary remarks from the research of the newly discovered mummy labels from Gebel el-Haridi”, CENTRAL Joint workshop, Prague

2023 “Death seems to me today like the fragrance of myrrh: Scent and stench in the Egyptian realm of the dead”, Scents of Religious Authority, Prague

2023 “The antu-list reconsidered: a synoptic reading of Edfu and Athribis ingredients” (Heike Wilde – Diana Míčková – Sean Coughlin), Studies in Ancient Plants: Multidisciplinary Approaches and New Perspectives, Bologna

2019 “It has not been seen until today: Some myths from the texts of the outer sarcophagus of Iufaa”, CRE 2019, Alcalá de Henares

2017 “Some News from an old text: A new look at Setne I” (Renata Landgráfová – Diana Míčková), 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies, Leipzig

2017 “The curious case of priest Iufaa: Preliminary remarks on texts on the inner side of the outer sarcophagus”, CRE 2017, Naples

Publications (selection)


Renata Landgráfová – Ladislav Bareš – Diana Míčková: Abusir XXIX: The Shaft Tomb of

Menekhibnekau II: Texts. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles

University 2022.

Diana Míčková – Dorotea Wollnerová: Poslyš vyprávění z časů tvých otců: Příběhy ze

starého Egypta, Praha: Academia 2019 (Jan Palach Award 2020).


Heike Wilde – Diana Míčková – Martin Pehal – Sean Coughlin: “Antu–List reconsidered: A

synoptic reading of Edfu and Athribis ingredients”, ZÄS 2025 , in press.

Mohamed Hussein Ahmed – Diana Míčková: “Newly discovered Greek mummy labels from

Gebel el-Haridi“, Eirene 2025, in press.

Renata Landgráfová – Diana Míčková: “Better safe than sorry: Spells for countering evil magic

from the tomb of Iufaa”, in: Coppens, F. – Janák. J. – Smoláriková, K.: Knowledge and

Memory: The Festschrift in honour of Ladislav Bareš, Prague: Charles University Press 2022,


Diana Míčková: “Toto je zapsáno tak, jak to bylo nalezeno ve starých spisech: Specifika

proměny staroegyptských náboženských textů v sajsko-perské době”, in: Lomová, O.

Malečková – J. Šima, K. (eds.) Setkávání kultur: identity, ideologie, jazyky, Praha: Univerzita

Karlova, Filozofická fakulta 2022, 207–231.

Diana Míčková: “Číst či nečíst? Řecký pohled na egyptské hieroglyfy a principy antického

umění paměti”, in: Aither 27, 2022, 28–57.

Renata Landgráfová – Diana Míčková: “Secrets of the Laboratory (jz) – The mummification

ritual on the southern wall of the burial chamber of Iufaa at Abusir”, in: Bárta, M. – Coppens.

F. – Krejčí, J. (eds.): Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2020, Prague: Charles University Press

2021, 359–369.

Renata Landgráfová – Jiří Janák – Diana Míčková: “Iufaa as a sun priest and his false window.

Going forth into daylight at the eastern horizon”, in: Bárta, M. – Coppens. F. – Krejčí, J. (eds.):

Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2020, Prague: Charles University Press, 2021, 347–357.

Renata Landgráfová – Diana Míčková: “Purification of the Whopper – Royal Purification

Ritual in the Shaft Tomb of Iufaa at Abusir”, in: Coppens, F. – Vymazalová, H. (eds.): XI.

Ägyptologische Tempeltagung:The Discourse between Tomb and Temple, Wiesbaden:

Harrasowitz, 2020, 183–208.

Diana Míčková – Dorotea Wollnerová: Interlinear glossing of selected Middle Egyptian stories, open access, 2019:


Updated 19.11.2024

Úvod > Institute > Staff > Mgr. Diana Míčková, Ph.D.