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Academia |
D. Bělohoubková’s main field of interest is New Kingdom Egypt, especially the archaeology, gender studies, art history, and religious and profane texts of the period. Since her B.A. studies, she specializes in royal ideology and the legitimization of power based on detailed studies of royal and elite tombs, temples and biographies. Her dissertation thesis is dealing with the topic of female participants in the cult the institution of xnr. Since 2015 member of the czech mission to shaft tombs (Late Period) at western field in Abusir.
2024 Ph.D. studies in Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2016 M.A. in Egyptology, and Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2015 M.A. in Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2014 B.A. in Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Culture and History, and Ethnology, Faculty of
Arts, Charles University
2011 B.A. in Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Grants, Fellowships and Awards:
2019–2021 GA ČR 19-07268 S — co-investigator of a project financed by the Czech Science Foundation. Project: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Change. Adaptation Strategies of Individuals and Communities in Egypt at Times of Internal and External Transformations.
2018 Robert Anderson Research Charitable Trust
2017–2018 Erasmus+ Traineeship – Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
2016–2018 GAUK 22216 — Principal investigator of a project financed by the Grant Agency of the Charles University. Grant: Texts for protection of the body recorded on the inner sarcophagi of the Saite-Persian era from Abusir.
2012–2014 GAUK 320613 — co-investigator of a project financed by the Grant Agency of the Charles University. Grant: Antická řecká keramika ve sbírkách českých a moravských zámcích, galeriích a muzeí (Ancient Greek Pottery in the Czech Collections).
- “Royal Women as wr.t-xnr in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty: Continuity in Discontinuity“, Prague Egyptological Studies XXIX (2022), 29–42.
- “The Riddle of the Tachat Family”, Journal of Egyptian History 14-I, (2021) 1–17.
- “Musical Performers or Royal Harem? Aspects of Continuity, Discontinuity and Change in Relation to the Word xnr”, Archív Orientální 90 (2022),1–23.
- “‘Egejský seznam’ – Symbolická nadvláda, či diplomacie?”, Pražské egyptologické studie XII (2014), 20–24.
- “Jmy rA jp.t nsw at the end of 18th dynasty: an iconographical study“, Current Research in Egyptology 2019: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17–21 June 2019 (2021), 130 – 141.
- “The Tombs of Amarna – Adaptation or Revolution?“ in: F. Coppens, Continuity, Discontinuity and Change, Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts (2021), 75–108.
- “In search of the royal harem: A discussion on the Malkata palace rooms interpretation”, in: Coppens, F. – Janák, J. – Smoláriková K. (eds.). Knowledge and Memory, FS. Bareš (2022), Praha: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 79–85.
- “Texty z nekrálovských hrobek”, in J. Mynářová (ed.), Počátek vítězství krále Horního a Dolního Egypta, (Starověké písemnictví Levanty VI), Prague: OIKUMENE 2015, 91–98.
- with L. Bareš – K. Smolariková, “Nová šachtová hrobka v Abúsíru – zatím více otázek, než odpovědí“, Pražské egyptologické studie XX (2018), 3–11.
- with M. Peterková Hlouchová – Z. Sůvová – P. Havelková, “A preliminary report on excavations of Tomb AS 91 at Abusir South”, Prague Egyptological Studies XIX (2017), 53–65.
- with L. Bareš, “Objeví se další Iufaa? (Jaro 2015 na šachtových hrobkách v Abúsíru)”, Pražské egyptologické studie XIV (2016), 3–6.
- with L. Bareš – J. Janák – R. Landgráfová – K. Smoláriková “Preliminary report on the excavation of the large Late Period shaft tomb of Wahibremeryneith at Abusir“, in: J. Kamrin – M. I. Khaled – C. Leitz, The Kingdom of the Mummies. Essays in the memory of Ramadan B. Hussein. Cairo: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (2024) 137–149.
- with G. Pieke – N. Staring “Continuity, Discontinuity and Change in Non‑Royal Tombs at Memphis, Amarna, and Thebes Towards a Synthesis“, in: F. Coppens, Continuity, Discontinuity and Change, Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts (2021) 193–207.
- with M. Peterková Hlouchová – J. Janák, “The King of the Cannibal Hymn as the New Creator”, in: P. Piacentini (ed.), Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology 7 Proceedings of The International Conference. Milano: Bianca & Volta, Truccazzano (2018) 334–341.
- with J. Janák “Creative powers, royal authority and resurrection: Identification of a non-royal person with the sun-god in the Late Period”, in: J. Budka, Egyptian royal ideology and kingship under periods of foreign rulers. Symposium zur Ägyptischen Königsideologie”. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (2019) 149–158.
- with J. Honzl – A. Matys, “Attic lekythoi from the collection of the Regional Museum in Chrudim”, Studia Hercynia XVIII/1–2 (2014), 52–57.
- with J. Honzl – A. Matys, “Etruscan and Corinthian pottery at Boskovice, Lysá nad Labem and Znojmo Museums”, Studia Hercynia XVII/2 (2013), 36–39.
- with J. Honzl – A. Matys, “Red-Figured Krater in the Castle Červená Lhoty”, Studia Hercynia XVII/2 (2013), 33–35.
- with J. Honzl – A. Matys, “Other Greek vases kept in the Duchcov castle collection”, Studia Hercynia XVII/2 (2013), 25–32..
- with J. Honzl – A. Matys, “Červenofigurový kratér z Červené Lhoty”, AVRIGA – ZJKF 56/2, (2014), 56–65.
- with A. Bouzková – J. Honzl – V. Uramová, “Several Italic vases in the Duchcov and Velké Březno castles”, Studia Hercynia XVI/2 (2012), 35–38.
Updated 19.11.2024