Doc. PhDr. Květa Smoláriková, Ph.D.

KvetaSmolarikova   kveta.smolarikova(at)
  +420 221 619 615

K. Smoláriková is Egyptologist and Classical archaeologist, specialised in Greek settlement in Egypt during the first millenium B.C. – prior to the time of Alexander of Macedonia. She has also been working on the analysis of Greek and Asia Minor pottery imports found in Egypt.Since 1993 taking part in archaeological excavations in Egypt as a field archaeologist. She has been working on the problems connected to the ancient Egyptian religion in the first millenium B.C.

Selected Bibliography:


  • Antická Libye, Praha: Foto–Grafika 2006.
  • Abusir VII, Greek Imports in Egypt. Graeco-Egyptian Relations during the First Millennium B.C., Praha 2002.
  • The Saite Forts in Egypt. Political-military history of the Saite Dynasty. Praha 2008.
  • Ladislav Bareš – Květa Smoláriková, The shaft tomb of Iufaa, Vol. I: Archaeology. Abusir XVII, Praha 2008.
  • F. Coppens – K. Smoláriková, Lesser Late Period Tombs at Abusir. The Tomb of Padihor and the Anonymous Tomb R3. Abusir XX, Praha 2009.
  • Egyptské terakoty, Praha 2010.
  • Ladislav Bareš – Květa Smoláriková (eds.), The Shaft Tomb of Menekhibnekau. Volume I – Archaeology, Abusir XXV, Praha 2011.


▪ ‘Greek Cemetery in Abusir’, ArOr, Supplementa IX (2000.) Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2000, 67-72.

▪ ‘The Great Temenos in Naukratis Once Again.’ ArOr, Vol.68/4, 2000, 571-578.

▪ ‘À propos Wynn and their presence in Memphis,’ in: N. Kloth, K. Martin, E. Pardey (eds.), Es werde niergelegt als Striftstück, Festschrift für Hartwig Altenmüller zum 65. Geburstag, BSAK 9, Hamburg: Busske Verlag 2003, 409- 413.

▪ ‘The mercenary troops – an effective part of the Late Period’s military power,’

in: Khaled Daoud, Sawsan Abd el-Fatah (eds.), The World of Ancient Egypt. Essay in Honor of Ahmed Abd El-Qader El-Sawi. Supplement CASAE 35, 2006, 245-248.

The Step Pyramid – A Constant Inspiration to the Saite Egyptians,’ in: Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2005. Proceedings of the conference held in Prague (June 27-July 5, 2005), Prague 2006, 42-49.

▪ ‘Recent identification of Greek imports from Kom Firin,’ JEA 92, 2006, 263-7.

▪ ‘Egyptian and Aegean Amphorae from the Saite Shaft Tombs at Abusir,’ in: Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 8 : Amphores d’Egypte de la Basse Époque à l’époque arabe. S. Marchand et A. Marangou (eds.). Le Caire 2007, 189-197.

▪ ‘Embalmers’deposits of the Saite tombs at Abusir.’ GM 223, 2009, 79-88.

▪ ‘The Phenomenon of Archaism in the Saite Period Funerary Architecture,’ in: L. Bareš, F. Coppens, K. Smoláriková (eds.), Egypt in Transition. International Workshop: Social and Religious Development of Egypt in the First Millennium BCE, Prague, September 1-4, 2009. Praha: Český egyptologický ústav 2010, 431-440.

▪ ‘Egyptian Fortifications from the First Millennium BC,’ in: F. Jesse – C. Vogel (eds.), The Power of Walls – Fortifications in Ancient Northeastern Africa. Cologne 2013. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Cologne 4th-7th August, 2011. Colloquium Africanum 5, Heinrich-Barth-Institut, 2013, 79-89.

▪ ‘Persian kings and their strategy towards the Egyptians. Interpretation of recent archaeological finds from the Saite-Persian cemetery at Abusir,’ in: L. Bombardieri, A. d’Agostino, G. Guarducci, V. Orsi and S. Valentine (eds.), SOMA 2012 Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012. BAR – S2581Archaeopress Oxford 2013, 545-552.

▪ ‘Chapter 5: Ceramics from the Ramesside enclosure,’ 47-52; ‘Chapter 11: Ceramics from trench NA,’ 273-276; in: N. Spencer, Kom Firin II: The Urban Fabric and Landscape, British Museum Research Publications No. 192, London 2014.

▪ ‘Greek Imports Unearthed at the Saite-Persian Cemetery at Abusir,’ Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections [], Vol. 6:3, 2014, 3-10.

▪ ‘Udjahorresnet – The Founder of the Saite-Persian cemetery at Abusir and his Engagement as Leading Political Person during the Troubled Years at the Beginning of the 27th Dynasty,’ in: C. Waerzenger and J. Silverman (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium: Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire. Society of Biblical Literature Press: Atlanta, Ancient Near East Monographs, Number 13, 2015, 151-164.

▪ ‘Late Saite-Early Persian Assemblages of Pottery from Abusir,’ in: B. Bader, Ch. Knoblauch and E.Ch. Köhler (eds.), Vienna 2 – Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century. Proceeding of the International Conference held at the University of Vienna 14th-18th of May, 2012. OLA 245, Leuven: Peeters, 2016, 545-555.

Bibliography until 2008 can be found here.

Updated 21.12.2016

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