Conquest, Domination, or Partnership. Egypt and the Near East in the 4th millennium BC

Lecture by Dr. Marcin Czarnowicz (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

The relations between Egypt and the Near East are a subject of a long scholarly discussion. Various scholars, such as Yadin, Amiran, Gophna, Braun, de Miroschedji, van den Brink and others, were trying to recreate the dynamics of contacts as well as their nature. Some of them were in favor of armed dominance and conquest, while others preferred trade or colonization. The problem of most of them was that they were focusing on Egyptian presence in the Southern Levant leaving alone whole chronocultural context. During the talk most recent results of excavations from Tell el-Farkha and Tel Erani will be presented, shedding a new light on the topic in question. Based on the new finds past ideas about the nature of the relations between Egypt and the Levant will be verified, proposing a new solution to this intriguing problem.


The lecture will take place online on Monday, October 26 at 11 :00 a.m. CEST; a Zoom link will be provided shortly before the event to registered participants. Please, send a registration email to

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
26.10.2020 11:00 - 12:00
Místo konání
Český egyptologický ústav FF UK
Typ události
Úvod > Kalendář událostí > Přednášky > Conquest, Domination, or Partnership. Egypt and the Near East in the 4th millennium BC