Publication Programme of Czech Institute of Egyptology in Arabic

واحد من أهم أهداف المعهد التشيكى للآثار المصرية هو العمل على النشر العلمى باللغة العربية؛ لذلك يقوم المعهد الآن على ترجمة ونشر العديد من مؤلفاته باللغة العربية، كى يستفيد منها الطلاب والدارسين بل والمهتمين بمجال علم المصريات ومصر القديمة عامة.

One of the principal aims of the Czech Institute of Egyptology is to make accesible Egyptological publications for the readers in Arabic. Herein are listed publications of the institute either completely published in Arabic or with significant parts of the publications in Arabic.


كاتب بيت الحقيقة، ياروسلاڤ تشيرنى، السيرة الذاتية. ييرﭼينا روﭼ¬¬وڤا

يعتبر ياروسلاڤ تشيرنى واحد من أشهرالعلماء التشيك فى مجال علم المصريات. حيث ولد فى 1898، ومنذ صغره وخلال مراحل حياته التعلمية أظهر تشيرنى اهتمام ملحوظ بمصر وعلم المصريات. ونظرًا للحالة المالية للأسرة توجب على تشيرنى أن يجد وظيفة وهو فى الجامعة؛ لذلك قبل فى بداية حياته العملية وظيفة ببنك. ومنذ عام 1924 بدأت صلة ياروسلاڤ تشيرنى الفعلية بمصر حيث شارك بحفائر بعثة المعهد الفرنسى للأثار الشرقية بمنطقة دير المدينة، بالبر الغربى لمدينة الأقصر.
ويسرد هذا العمل السيرة الذاتية للعالم الفذ على المستوى الشخصى والمهنى، متناولًا مراحل حياته فى بلده الأم، ودوره الفعال فى مجال علم المصريات بجمهورية التشيك، ومشاركاته المفيدة فى حفائر دير المدينة، ثم هجرته إلى إنجلترا فى عام 1946. كما يتناول العمل علاقات تشيرنى بزملائه فى مجال علم المصريات فى التشيك ومصر وإنجلترا، وأيضًا صدقاته المتعددة بعلماء من فرنسا ودول أخرى.
وتم نشر هذه السيرة الذاتية أولًا باللغتين التشيكية والإنجليزية فى الذكرى الأربعين لوفاة ياروسلاڤ تشيرنى كاعتراف بفضله ومساعداته للمعهد التشيكى للآثار المصرية، حتى بعد أن ترك التشيك إلى إنجلترا. حيث ساعد بلده الأصلى من خلال التبرع بمكتبته الزاخرة بالعديد من الكتب والمراجع العلمية النادرة، وكذلك من خلال نصائحه المستمرة لمديرى المعهد التشيكى، فكان أول من نصحهم بالعمل بمنطقة آثار أبوصير، تلك المنطقة التى شهدت اكتشافات وإنجازات المعهد التشيكى للآثار المصرية لمدة تزيد عن خمسين عامًا.

Jiřina Růžová: The Scribe in the Place of Truth: The Life of the Egyptologist Jaroslav Černý
Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014

Jaroslav Černý is considered to be one of the most famous Czech Egyptologists. He was born in 1898. During his early life Černý showed interest in ancient Egypt and the field of Egyptology. Because of the financial situation of the family, Černý had to find a job, while he was still at the university; therefore he worked at the beginning of his career in a bank. Since 1924 Jaroslav Černý began his relation with Egypt, where he participated in the excavations of the Institut français d’Archéologie orientale (IFAO) at Deir el-Medina site, in the west bank of Luxor.
This biographical work is introducing the personal and professional life of Černý, presenting his life stages in his country of origin, and his effective role in the field of Egyptology, the significance of his participation in excavations of Deir el-Medina, then his emigration to England in 1946. In addition, this work presents Černý’s friendships with his colleagues in the field of Egyptology in the Czech, Egypt, England, and also his relationships with scientists from France and other countries.
This biography was first published in Czech and English on the 40th occasion of Jaroslav Černý’s death, to thank him for all what he did for the Czech Institute of Egyptology, even after he left his homeland to England. Černý helped his country in different ways, for instance, he donated to Charles University his rich library, which is full of numerous rare books and scientific references; as well as through ongoing advice to the directors of the Czech Institute. He was the first to advise them to start their field activities at the site of Abusir, the area that has seen the discoveries and the achievements of the Czech Institute of Egyptology for more than 50 years.



رحلة إلى الخلود: مقابر الأفراد بادولة القديمة. ميروسلاف بارتا

Miroslav Bárta: Journey to the West: The world of the Old Kingdom tombs
Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts. 2013

This book is intended as a commented summary of some of the major trends and most important features that can be encountered when analysing ancient Egyptian society of the Old Kingdom. We have to bear in mind that around 3000 BCE one of the first centralised states in our recorded history rose, and the Old Kingdom represents certainly one of its apogees. Moreover, there is hardly any comparable society that left behind such a wealth of archaeological and literary evidence, a welcome companion for our journey back in time.
The goal for writing this book was to outline general trends in the history of the non-royal tomb development of the period. The reason is rather simple and straightforward: ancient Egyptians considered the tomb to be their afterlife residence for eternity. In the afterlife they replicated the life they experienced during the lifetime. Thus the tomb architecture, decoration, inscriptions and equipment paradoxically represent a major tool for our understanding of the everyday life of the ancient Egyptians and enable a better comprehension of the development and dynamics of the Old Kingdom.
The book is divided into nine chapters covering, step by step, the development of the Egyptian tomb and society from the Predynastic Period to the end of the first six Egyptian dynasties, a lengthy period of time which covers the Early Dynastic and the Old Kingdom periods. These six chapters are accompanied by three additional chapters on religious aspects of the Old Kingdom society, its economy and environment. 342p

  The pdf of the publication is available at the ACADEMIA profile    of Miroslav Bárta


Vymazalova_Echoes_EN Hana Vymazalová, Mohamed Megahed, František Ondráš (eds.): Ancient Echoes in the Culture of Modern Egypt
Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2011

The book presents selected aspects of the legacy that ancient Egypt left on the culture of Coptic, Islamic and modern Egypt. Ancient origin can be traced in numerous different sources and thus the papers in the volume approach the subject from different perspectives. Many connections can be found in the Egyptian traditions in general, as well as in certain specific practices. Inspiration by the ancient times is also very apparent in literature and art. Format B5, 244 pages, paperback. Text in English and Arabic.



اكتشاف مصر: خمسون عامًا من التعاون المصرى التشيكى فى مجال الآثار. ميروسلاف فيرنر-هانا بينشوفسكا

Miroslav Verner, Hana Benešovská: Unearthing Ancient Egypt: Fifty Years of the Czech Archaeological Exploration in Egypt
Prague: Togga – Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, 2008

This richly illustrated representative publication celebrates the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and presents an overview of the history and work of the Institute over the entire period of its existence.

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