+420 221 619 612
1994–1997 – postgraduate studies at the Charles University in Prague and University of Hamburg, Germany, Ph.D. in Egyptology in 1997,
1988–1994 – Charles University, Prague, M.A. in Egyptology and Archaeology.
Holocene archaeology, especially in NE-Africa; archaeology of complex societies, climate dynamics and resilience, especially during the third and second mill. BC; study of complexity in early civilisations; comparative study of civilisations; history of water; evolution of bureaucracy; punctuated equilibria theory, processual archaeology.
2014 W. K. Simpson distinguished chair of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, Dep. of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology,
Since 2013 director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology,
Since 2010 director of the Czech mission on the pyramid field of Abusir, Egypt,
since 2009 professor in Egyptian Archaeology at the Charles University in Prague,
since 2008 director of the Czech mission to Usli, Sudan,
2008 Alexander von Humboldt Prize holder, Free University Berlin, Germany,
since 2006 deputy scientific director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology,
200-2912: director of the ‘Western Desert Project’ on behalf of the Czech Institute of Egyptology,
since 2003: Associate Professor in Egyptology at the Charles University in Prague,
2003–2004: Fulbright fellowship, teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
2000–2004: vice-director of the Czech National Centre for Egyptology,
1994–2000: scientific secretary of the Czech Institute of Egyptology,
since 1995: field director of the Abusir South project,
since 1993: member of the Czech Institute of Egyptology,
since 2019: vice rector of the Charles University
2020 – honorary president of the World Archaeological Congress
Since 2019 – chair of the international scientific committee for the traveling exhibition – show Tutankhamun. Journey beyond darkness (Laboratoriorosso and Civita Consorcium)
Since 2019 – elected corresponding member of the ISMEO-International Association for the Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, Rome
Since 2017 – elected member of the New York’s Explorers Club
Since 2017 – elected member of the Czech learned society
Member of the American Schools of oriental Research
Member of the American Research Centre in Egypt
Member of the board of advisers to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities (3D scanning of the pyramids),
Czech Institute of Egyptology (Scientific Council member and M.A. and Ph.D. examiner and supervisor),
Pamatky Archeologicke (editorial board member),
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica. Natural Sciences in Archaeology (Advisory Board)
National Geographic, Czech Republic (scientific collaborator and contributor),
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (external Ph.D. supervisor),
MacQuarie University, Sydney (external Ph.D. supervisor),
University of North Bohemia, Dept. of Archaeology (scientific board member),
Committee member for the new Egyptian Galleries in the San Diego Museum of Man, USA,
Project reviewer for the National Bank of Austria and its Anniversary Fund.
Abusir and Saqqara in the Year (2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015), series of international publications produced by the Czech Institute of Egyptology every five years.
Since 2018, CELSA (Central Europe – Leuven Strategic Alliance) together with the Leuven University, PI – Czech, Second Investigator (PI Leuven – H. Willems): The landscape setting of the pyramids of Abusir;
Since 2018 The World of Ty, American Research Centre in Egypt grant;
Since 2018 Systembeschreibung von Modellen und Kunstwerken aus den alten Kulturen Nordostafrikas. Objekte aus den Sammlungen des Museums August Kestner in Hannover und des Roemer- und Pelizaeus Museums in Hildesheim (Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Německo, project 01OU1825A), PI fort the Czech team;
Since 2017 Progres, Q11, „Komplexita a resilience. Staroegyptská civilizace v multidisciplinární a multikulturní perspektivě, řešitel / Complexity and resilience. Ancient Egyptian civilisation in multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective, PI;
2016–2018, GAČR, Metody komplexních sítí aplikované na data starověkého Egypta v období Staré Říše (2700-2180 př. Kr.), GA16-07210S, řešitel / Methods of complex networks applied to ancient Egyptian data of the Old Kingdom (2700-2180 BC), PI.
Abusir and Saqqara Conference in the Year 2000 (with F. Coppens and J. Krejčí, Prague, 5.–10. 6.2001).
The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology Conference (Prague, 31.5.-4.6. 2004).
Abusir and Saqqara Conference in the Year 2005 (with F. Coppens and J. Krejčí, Prague, 29.5.–3.6. 2005).
Ancient Egyptian Chronology of the late Fourth and the Third mill. B.C. (Prague, 11.–14. 6. 2007, with H. Vymazalová).
Bahariya Conference (Prague, 8.-9. 12. 2008, with L. Suková and M. Dospěl).
Abusir and Saqqara Conference in the Year 2010 (with F. Coppens and J. Krejčí, Prague, 31.5.-4.6. 2010).
Second Geoarchaeological Conference: Memphite necropolis (Egypt) in the light of geoarchaeological and environmental research (Warsaw, 7.-8. 12. 2012, second organizer, with F. Welc).
Session on Collapse, European Association of Archaeologists, 19th meeting (Pilsen, 5. 9. 2013, with L. Ersgard).
Diachronic trends in Egyptian History (25. 4. 2013, Hannover, with Ch. Loeben).
Profane landscapes, sacred spaces (Prague, 26.-27. 6. 2014, with J. Janák).
Abusir and Saqqara Conference in the Year 2015 (with F. Coppens and J. Krejčí, Prague 2015).
Social Network Analysis in Ancient Egypt (with V. Dulíková), Praha, September 22, 2018.
Interrogating Cultural Change – Punctuated Equilibria Models in Near Eastern Archaeology and Egyptology (with Th. Levy). Annual ASOR meeting double session, November 18, 2018, Denver, Co.
Punctuated Equilibria and Security in Modern World, Potomac Institute, Washington, D.C., February 27, 2018.
2001 Albright Institute, American Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem, Israel
2003–2004 Fulbright professor at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2005 – prize of the Swiss Fondation Michaela Schiff Giorgini in Egyptological research
2008 – Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung fellow, Freie Univesität, Berlin (Germany)
2011 – Prize of the rector of the Charles University in Prague, for a major scientific achievement
2012 – Prize of Bedřich Hrozný, Charles University in Prague, for a major scientific achievement
2013 – Wasseda University Institute for Advanced Studies, Tokyo, Japan, fellow
2014 – W. K. Simpson distinguished chair of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, Dep. of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology
2016 Donation of the Charles University, Prague (one of the top six scientists of the university)
2016 Academia Publishing House – Best scientific book of the year
2016 Academia Publishing House – Best book of the year
University of Chicago, University of Texas, University of Philadelphia, Macquarie University, Sydney.
Technical University of Tokyo, Japan
– sampling and analysing chemical and physical properties of Ancient Egyptian artefacts
University of Vienna, Egyptological Institute, Austria
– excavation projects in Abusir
University of Texas, Nautical Institute, U.S.A.
– reconstruction and interpretation of the ancient ship remains in Abusir
Egyptological Museum in Mannheim, Germany
– analysis of the statuary from Abusir
Egyptological Museum in Hildesheim, Germany
– analysis of the statuary from Abusir
University of Auckland, New Zealand
The nature of the Ancient Egyptian History
University of Kyoto
– 3D scanning of the pyramids.
Complete bibliography – see the OBD system of the Charles University, academia.edu and Research Gate (selection).
Updated 15.6.2019