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Katarína Arias Kytnarová graduated in Egyptology, Islamic Studies and Classical Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, Prague and in 2017, she completed her Ph.D. studies in Egyptology. Since 2007, she has been working as a scientific researcher at the Czech Institute of Egyptology in Prague. She specializes in ancient Egyptian material culture, with a focus on the pottery of the Third Millenium B.C. In her Ph.D. dissertation, „Social dynamics in the material culture – Pottery of the late Old Kingdom from the complex of Princess Sheretnebty at Abusir South”, she analysed the overall chronological development of the pottery of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties and its social and economic importance. She is also interested in the traditions of Late Antique art in the early Islamic period.
She has archaeological experience from excavations in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Jordan and especially Egypt, where she has been a regular team member since 2007. She is teaching in Bachelor and Master programs of the Faculty of Art, Charles University. Since 2016, she is one of the chief editors of Prague Egyptological Studies.
- 1999-2005: master studies in Classical Archaeology in the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (M.A. thesis „Antique traditions in the art of the Umayyad period“, mentor: Doc. PhDr. Iva Ondřejová, CSc.)
- 2002-2009: master studies in Egyptology and History and culture of Islamic countries in the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (M.A thesis „Pottery of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasty from the excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology in the cemeteries of Abusir South“, mentor: Prof. Miroslav Bárta, Dr.)
- 2009–2017: doctoral studies in Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, Prague; Ph.D. dissertation „Social dynamics in the material culture – Pottery of the late Old Kingdom from the complex of Princess Sheretnebty at Abusir South” (mentor: Prof. Miroslav Bárta, Dr.)
- 2006-2008: Late Roman and Byzantine traditions in early Islamic art and architecture (GA UK No. 336/2006/A-HN/FF; leading researcher)
- 2017–2019: „The rise and development of the solar cult and architecture in Third Millennium BC Egypt“ (GA ČR, reg. no. 17-10799S; researcher)
- winter semester 2008: „Introduction to Early Christian Archaeology“ (full semester voluntary lectures in the Institute of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)
Selected bibliography
- Krejčí, J. – Arias Kytnarová, K. et al., Abusir XXIV. Mastaba of Werkaure I (Old Kingdom strata), Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2014.
Book chapters
- Arias Kytnarová, K., “Dating of select Old Kingdom archaeological contexts in the Memphite region based on pottery and ceramic finds”, in: Odler, M. et al., Old Kingdom Copper Tools and Model Tools, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016, s. 264–70.
- Arias Kytnarová, K. „Pottery“, in: Bárta, M. et al., Abusir XXIII. The tomb of the Sun Priest Neferinpu, Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2014, s. 109–143.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Pottery from the tomb of Kaiemtjenenet and the neighboring structures“, in: Vymazalová, H. and al., Abusir XXII. The Tomb of Kaiemtjenenet and the surrounding structures; Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2011, s. 63–108.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., “Chronological relevance of bread-baking forms – A case study from the Abusir South cemetery”, v: Bárta, M., Krejčí, J. a Coppens, F. (eds.), Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2010; Vol. I, Praha 2011, s. 200–222.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Pottery from the tomb of Hetepi (AS 20)“, in: Bárta, M., Coppens, F., Vymazalová, H. et al., Abusir XIX. The tomb of Hetepi and Abusir South tombs 33–35 and 50–53, Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2010, s. 25–47.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Pottery from the eastern group of tombs (AS 34–35 and 50–53), in: Bárta, M., Coppens, F., Vymazalová, H. et al., Abusir XIX. The tomb of Hetepi and Abusir South tombs 33–35 and 50–53, Prague: Charles University in Prague 2010, s. 278–317.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Appendix. Several notes on the Abusir South pottery classification“, in: Bárta, M., Coppens, F., Vymazalová, H. et al., Abusir XIX. The tomb of Hetepi and Abusir South tombs 33–35 and 50–53, Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2010, s. 370–80.
Articles in journals
- Arias Kytnarová, K., “Preliminary report on ceramic finds from the funerary contexts in the tomb of Duaptah (AS 68a)”, in: Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne XXVI (2016), Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale, s. 111–29.
- Dulíková, V. – Jirásková, L. – Arias Kytnarová, K., “Jižní Abúsír – předběžná zpráva o výzkumu v roce 2015. Kaisebiho hrobka a okolí (AS 76–78)“, in: Pražské egyptologické studie XVI (2016), s. 25–36.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Burial shafts and chambers of Nefer and Neferhathor in tomb AS 68d. A comparative evaluation of the ceramic finds”, in: Prague Egyptological Studies XV (2015), s. 3–14.
- Krejčí, J. – Arias Kytnarová, K. – Odler, M., “Archaeological excavation of the mastaba of Queen Khentkaus III in Abusir (Tomb AC 30)”, in: Prague Egyptological Studies XV (2015), s. 28–42.
- Bárta, M. – Vymazalová, H. – Dulíková, V. – Arias, K. – Megahed, M. – Varadzin, L., „Exploration of the necropolis at Abusir South in the season of 2012. Preliminary report“, in: Ägypten und Levante 24 (2014), s. 15–38.
- Arias Kytnarová, K. „Princezná a jej príbuzní? Keramické nálezy z vybraných pohrebných kontextov z komplexu princeznej Šeretnebtej“, Pražské egyptologické studie XIII, 2014, s. 11–19.
- Arias Kytnarová, K. “Ritual ceramic deposit from the tomb of prince Werkaure? A tentative interpretation”, in: Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne XXIV, 2014; Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale, s. 71–82.
- Dulíková, V. – Arias Kytnarová, K. – Cílek, V., „Hetepuni, kněz ze dvora princezny Šeretnebtej“, Pražské egyptologické studie XIII, 2014, s. 38–48.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Jedlo a pitie pre zásvetie – keramické nálezy z komplexu princeznej Šeretnebtej“, in: Pražské egyptologické studie X (2013), s. 35–46.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., Havelková, P., Jirásková, L., Sůvová, Z. a Bárta, M., „Záhady hrobky AS 67. Jedna hrobka pro dvě generace?“, in: Pražské egyptologické studie X (2013), s. 82–96.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., “Analýza vybraných keramických celkov z hrobky princa Verkaurea v kráľovskom Abusíre“, v: Orientalia Antiqua Nova XI, Plzeň 2011, s. 7-18.
- Arias Kytnarová, K., „Abusir South 2007: Preliminary ceramics report. The tomb of priest Inpunefer and the anonymous tomb AS 47. Abusír Juh 2007: Predbežná keramická správa. Hrobka Inpunefera a anonymná hrobka AS 47 “, v: Památky archeologické CII (2011), s. 117–158.
Updated 3.10.2017