Photo Gallery
General view of the pyramid field of Abusir (© Archives of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, M. Frouz)
View of the site where the boat was discovered (© Archives of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, L. Jirásková)
View of the boat during the process of excavation (© Archives of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, V. Dulíková)
Travertine model vessels – part of the funerary equipment of Khentkaus III; © Martin Frouz, Archive of the Czech Institute of Egyptology
Chapel of the tomb of Khentkaus III; © Martin Frouz, Archive of the Czech Institute of Egyptology
Overall view of the tomb of Queen Khentkaus III from the northeast; © Jaromír Krejčí, Archive of the Czech Institute of Egyptology
Fig. 1. Satellite image of the southern part of the Abusir pyramid necropolis showing the individual archaeological objects (background Google Earth)
Fig. 2. Group photo of the members of the archaeological expedition together with local workers in front of the Tomb AC29 (M. Frouz)
Fig. 3. Tomb AC29 from the northeast (J. Krejčí)
Fig. 4. Tomb AC29 as seen from above and presenting the mastaba’s individual parts (background V. Brůna)
Fig. 5. The burial chamber and remains of the sarcophagus remains as seen from the east (J. Krejčí)
Fig. 6. A wooden handle of a copper tool (?) (J. Krejčí)
Fig. 7. The northeast part of the open area around the tomb AC29 with white stripes on the earthen floor (V. Brůna)
Fig. 8. One of the secondary burial unearthed to the east of the mastaba AC29 (J. Krejčí)
Fig. 9. A large number of miniature vessels was found in the course of the exploration of the tomb (M. Frouz)
Fig. 10. The shaft tomb of Menekhibnekau, pottery vessels found in the “embalming cache” (J. Krejčí)
Fragments of bone implements decorated with incised geometric designs, Sabaloka Mountains, Sudan, research of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (photo Martin Frouz).
View of the area of the extinct prehistoric lake, Sabaloka Mountains, Sudan, research of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (photo Ladislav Varadzin).
Archaeological excavation at the Sphinx settlement, Sabaloka Mountains, Sudan, research of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (photo Ladislav Varadzin).
Skeletal remains from the 8th–6th millennia B.C., Sabaloka Mountains, Sudan, research of the Czech Institute of Egyptology (photo Ladislav Varadzin).
Pillar court of Princess Sheretnebty (photo Martin Frouz)
PIllars with name and titles of Princess Sheretnebty (photo Martin Frouz)
Rock tomb of Nefer (AS 68d) (photo Martin Frouz)
False door of Nefer and Neferhathor (photo Martin Frouz)
Statues of Nefer from the serdab of tomb (photo MIroslav Bárta)
Naoi in front of the rock tomb of Nefer (AS 68d) (photo Martin Frouz)
Statue of Nefer in form of a scribe (photo Martin Frouz)
Restorer Osama working on the statue in a naos (photo Martin Frouz)
Burial chamber of Neferinpu (photo Martin Frouz)
Neferinpu in sarcophagus (photo Martin Frouz)
Detail of the skull of Neferinpu (photo Martin Frouz)
Tomb of Neferinpu from east (photo Martin Frouz)
Detail of the false door of Neferinpu (photo Martin Frouz)
Ushabti from the tomb of Menekhibnekau
Tomb of Menekhibnekau
Detail of the relief decoration in the tomb of Menekhibnekau
Reis Talal in the tomb of Menekhibnekau
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