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Mohamed Megahed graduated in Egyptian Archaeology and Art History at universities in Minya and Cairo and acquired his PhD in Egyptology at the Charles University, Prague in 2016. He specializes above all on archaeology, architecture and decoration of the Old Kingdom pyramid complexes. He directs the project of the exploration, documentation and conservation of the pyramid complex of King Djedkare-Isesi at south Saqqara, and participates at the Czech mission in Abusir. Mohamed Megahed is a member of the ARCE.
Complete and updated bibliography and downloadable pdf files of selected publications are available in the profile at Academia.edu.
Education, Grants, Fellowships
1995-1999 B.A. in Egyptian Archaeology, Minya University, Egypt
1999-2001 Diploma (eq. M.A.) in Art History, Cairo University, Egypt
2009-2016 Ph.D. in Egyptology, Charles University, Faculty of Arts (thesis: The Pyramid Complex of Djedkare-Isesi at South Saqqara and Its Decorative Program)
2012–2013 Grant Agency of the Charles University (project no. 51910: Funerary complex of Djedkare Isesi: documentation and interpretation of archaeological material)
2014 Hans-Goedicke-Stiftung (project: The Relief Decoration of Djedkare’s Pyramid Complex)
2014 Egypt Exploration Society Centenary Award (project: Documentation of the pyramid complex of Djedkare in Saqqara)
2017 Antiquities Endowment Fund (AEF) by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE), project: Pyramid complex of Djedkare: Protection, Restoration & Documentation Project.
Work Experience
- since 1999 Documentation of monuments, inspector of antiquities at the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt
- 2004-2009 Director of Scientific Department of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt
- since 2002 Participation at archaeological excavations in Egypt (Abusir, Ain Shams)
- since 2009 Member of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
since 2010 Member of the Czech archaeological mission in Abusir
- since 2010 Director of the project of exploration, documentation and conservation of the pyramid complexes of Djedkare Isesi and „his queen“ in south Saqqara and of fragments of relief decoration
- since 2015 Regular classes for students of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Selected bibliography
- Megahed, Mohamed. “Sculptures from the pyramid complex from Djedkare Isesi at South Saqqara. A preliminary report”. In: Prague Egyptological Studies 17, 2016, 24–33.
- Megahed, Mohamed – Vymazalová, Hana. “The South-Saqqara circumcision scene: a fragment of an Old Kingdom birth-legend?”. In: Coppens, Filip – Janák, Jiří – Vymazalová, Hana (eds.). 7. Tagung zur Königsideologie: Royal versus Divine Authority. Acquisition, Legitimization and Renewal of Power, KGSH. Wiesbaden, 2015, 275–287.
- Megahed, Mohamed. “The Antichambre carrée in the Old Kingdom: Decoration and function”, In: Landgráfová, Renata – Mynářová, Jana (eds.). Rich and Great: Studies in Honour of Anthony J. Spalinger, on the Occasion of his 70th Feast of Thoth. Prague, 2015, 239–258.
- Megahed, Mohamed. “The altar of Djedkara’s funerary temple from South Saqqara”. In: Lekov, T. – Buzov, E. (eds.). Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25–27 September 2012, Sofia. Sofia, 2014, 56–62.
- Megahed, Mohamed. “Die Wiederentdeckung des Pyramidenbezirks des Djedkare-Isesi in Sakkara-Süd”. In: SOKAR 28, 2014, 6–19.
- Janák, Jiří – Megahed, Mohamed – Vymazalová, Hana. 2011. “Healing water in Egyptian tradition: from the Ancient Egyptian cippi to thr modern tasit il-khadda”. In: Vymazalová, Hana – Megahed, Mohamed – Ondráš, František (eds.), Ancient Echoes in the Culture of Modern Egypt, Prague, 28–46.
- Megahed, Mohamed – Vymazalová, Hana. “Ancient Egyptian royal circumcision from the pyramid complex of Djedkare”. In: Anthropologie XLIX/2, 2011, 157–166.
- Megahed, Mohamed. “The Pyramid Complex of “Djedkare’s Queen in South Saqqara Preliminary Report 2010”. In: Bárta, Miroslav – Coppens, Filip – Krejčí, Jaromír (eds.). Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010 vol. II. Prague 2011, 616–634.
- Megahed, Mohamed. “Neue Forschungen im Grabbezirk des Djedkare-Isesi”. In: SOKAR 22/1, 2011, 25–35.
Edited volumes
- Vymazalová, Hana – Megahed, Mohamed – Ondráš, František (eds.). Ancient Echoes in the Culture of Modern Egypt, Prague.
Updated 5.6.2017