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Jaromír Krejčí is an Egyptologist with a long archaeological experience in Egypt. He specializes in the issues of Egyptian archaeology and history from the end of the fourth to the middle of the second millennium B.C., in addition to it, he is interested in the development of Egyptian architecture in general, especially monumental architecture, as well as the development of the sun cult in ancient Egypt. He has been regularly involved in archaeological excavations in Egypt since 1991, focusing mainly on the excavation of the structures at the royal necropolis in Abusir (since 1994 he has been coordinating the excavation of the royal pyramid necropolis in Abusir) and on the possibilities of restoration of archaeological monuments. He has been involved in teaching activities at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University since 1998, giving courses and seminars on Egyptian history, archaeology, architecture, methodology, and theory of archaeology, and participating in the supervision and review of bachelor’s, master’s, and dissertation theses. Within the third role of universities, he actively participates in popularizing the work of the Institute in the media, he gives lectures at primary, secondary, and grammar schools and in museums not only in Czechia but also in other countries and also participates in the exhibition activities of the Institute. In the past, he has been involved for a long time in the organization of the academic operations of the Institute, the home faculty, and the entire University.
- 1994: graduated in Egyptology and archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- Master’s Thesis: Brick Masonry of the Funerary Temple of Raneferef at Abusir
1999: PhD in Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- Dissertation: Architectural development of the royal Abusir Necropolis in the Old Kingdom
Excavations in Egypt:
- since 1991, since 1994 he is the coordinator of the exploration of the royal pyramid necropolis at Abusir
- Since 2000 secretary of the Czech Institute of Egyptology the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- Since 2005 coordinator in chief of the project of the Research Plan “Exploration of the Civilisation of Ancient Egypt” (MSM 0021620826)
1999-2000: the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
since the academic year of 2002-2003: the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Individual Grant Projects:
Architectural development of the royal necropolis at Abusir in the 3rd millennium B.C. (Internal Grant Agency of the Charles University in Prague, 307/1996/A HN/FF) 1996-1998.
The development of ancient Egyptian monumental architecture in the 3rd millennium B.C. The use of new methods in the analysis of Old Kingdom structures (Grant agency of the Czech Republic, D404/99/D003) 1999-2003.
Member of projects:
Exploration of the civilisation of ancient Egypt. Czech archeological works on the royal necropolis at Abusir. (Research Plan MŠMT ČR, MSM 11210006), 1999-2004
Czech National Centre for Egyptology (project MŠMT ČR, LN00A064) 2000-2004
Exploration of the civilisation of ancient Egypt. (Research Plan MŠMT ČR, MSM 0021620826) since 2005; coordinator in chief of the project.
Overview of research scholarships:
1991 – scholarship of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University for participation in the archeological works at Abusir, Egypt;
1994 – scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) at the University of Hamburg;
1999 – scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) at the University of Hamburg;
2001 – long-term research stay in terms of the interstate cultural agreement between the Czech Republic and Egypt, Cairo University, Egypt
- The International Association of Egyptologists,
- board of trustees of the Aigyptos Foundation (Bratislava).
Selected bibliography:
- Jaromír Krejčí – Petra Brukner Havelková – Marie Peterková Hlouchová et al., Abusir XXVII. The mastaba of Werkaure. Volume II: Tombs AC 26 and AC 32 post-Old Kingdom strata, Prague 2022
- Jaromír Krejčí – Katarína Arias et al., Abusir XXIV, Mastaba of Werkaure. Volume I. Tombs AC26 and AC 32 – Old Kingdom strata . Prague 2014
- Jaromír Krejčí, Abusir XI. The Architecture of the Ptahshepses Mastaba, Prague 2009
- Jaromír Krejčí – Lenka Suková (eds.), Kapitoly z dějin staroegyptské archeoastronomie, Prague 2008
- Nuzzolo, Massimiliano – Jaromír Krejčí (eds), The rise and development of the solar cult and architecture in ancient Egypt. Wiesbaden 2021
- Jaromír Krejčí, Vivienne G. Callender, Miroslav Verner (with contributions by Viktor Černý, Eugen Strouhal, Hana Vymazalová and Martina Žaloudková-Kujanová), Abusir XII. Minor tombs in the Royal Necropolis I (The Mastabas of Nebtyemneferes and Nakhtsare, Pyramid Complex Lepsius no. 24 and Tomb Complex Lepsius no. 25), Prague 2008.
- Miroslav Bárta – Filip Coppens – Jaromír Krejčí (eds.), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2005, Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010, Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015, Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2020, Prague 2006, 2011, 2017. 2021.
- Jaromír Krejčí, “The First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom in Abusir Centre”, in: Coppens, F. – Janák, J. – Smoláriková, K. (eds.), Knowledge and Memory. Festschrift in honour of Ladislav Bareš, Prague 2022, 265-285
- Massimiliano Nuzzolo – Jaromír Krejčí – Mohamed Osman – Kathryn E. Piquette, „Royal annals of ancient Egypt: recent investigations on the Palermo Stone and its associated fragments, In Nuzzolo, Massimiliano and Jaromír Krejčí (eds), The rise and development of the solar cult and architecture in ancient Egypt, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 71-102
- Jaromír Krejčí, ,“Niuserre’s valley temple and its surroundings in the view of recent archaeological work“, in M. Bárta, F. Coppens, and J. Krejčí (eds), Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2020, Prague 2021, 121–130
- Miroslav Bárta– Lucie Vendelová Jirásková – Jaromír Krejčí – Martin Odler – Petra Brukner Havelková – Zdeňka Sůvová, „Tomb of Kairsu discovered in Abusir (AC 33)“, Prague Egyptological Studies 25, 2020, 35-58.
- Willem Toonen – Martin Odler – Katarína Arias – Jaromír Krejčí – Vladimír Brůna – Miroslav Bárta – Harco Willems, “Short contribution on the past desert edge landscape at (Lake) Abusir, Egypt“, Prague Egyptological Studies 25, 2020, 103-110
- Jaromír Krejčí, „Nakhtsare’s cemetery in Abusir centre“, in P. Piacentini and A. Delli Castelli (eds.), Old Kingdom art and archaeology 7: proceedings of the international conference; Università degli studi di Milano 3-7 July 2017, 1, Milano, 2019, 122–127.
- Massimiliano Nuzzolo – Rosanna Pirelli – Patrizia Zanfagna – Andrea D’Andrea – Angela Bosco – Mohamed Osman – Jaromír Krejčí – Emanuele Brienza, „Sun temple of Nyuserre in Abu Ghurab: Report of the 2017 season“, Prague Egyptological Studies 2017, 45–71
- Massimiliano Nuzzolo, Jaromír Krejčí, „Heliopolis and the solar cult in the Third Millennium BC.“ Agypten und Levante, 2017, 357-380
- Jaromír Krejčí – Katarína Arias Kytnarová – Martin Odler, “Archaeological excavation of the mastaba of Queen Khentkaus III (Tomb AC 30) in Abusir“. Prague Egyptological Studies, 2015, 28-42.
- Jaromír Krejčí, “Archaeological excavation of tomb AC 31 in Abusir Centre. A preliminary report”, Prague Egyptological Studies, 2016, 12–23
- Jaromír Krejčí, „Several remarks on the Abusir pyramid necropolis: its minor tombs and their place in the chronology of the royal cemetery“, in: Hand Vymazalová, Miroslav Bárta, et al, • Chronology and archaeology in ancient Egypt (the Third Millenium B.C.), Český egyptologický ústav, Prague 2008, 124–136
- Jaromír Krejčí, „Mudbrick Masonry“, in: Miroslav Verner et al., Abusir IX. The Pyramid Complex of Raneferef. The Archaeology, Prague 2006, 113–137.
Updated 13.6.2024