Mgr. Věra Nováková, Ph.D.

  +420 221 619 610


Věra Nováková graduated in Egyptology, Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. She currently continues with the doctoral study in Egyptology (dissertation thesis: Complexity of Ancient Egyptian Society during the First to Sixth Dynasty Based on Written Sources). She specializes in ancient Egyptian material culture, focusing on the Old Kingdom stone sarcophagi, reed coffins and pottery in its socio-economical context, but also on ancient Egyptian society and administration (topics related to household studies, patronage, etc.). Since 2018 she has participated in the archaeological excavations in Egypt and collaborates on the digital Archive of the Czech Institute of Egyptology.


Since 2012 – doctoral studies in Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague

2006–2012 – master studies in Egyptology, Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague

Research projects

2023–2025 – researcher in GAČR project 23-04989S “Ancient Egyptian Burial Containers of the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period. Evolution, Contextualisation and Significance” (main researcher M. Hlouchová).

2015–2017 – researcher in internal grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague no. 114815 (Bardoňová, M. – Nováková, V.): Was the Patronage basis of the Old and Middle-Kingdom social structure and economic relations?

2010–2012 – participation on the creation of the database of Early Dynastic material evidence within internal grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague no. 53310 – Elitní společnost starověkého Egypta v 1. – 3. dynastii (Ancient Egyptian elite society from the First to Third dynasty)

Selected bibliography

  • Nováková, V. –Peterková Hlouchová, M. 2020 “Pohřby v Abúsíru”, in: Bárta, Miroslav (ed.). Sluneční králové – studie, Praha: Národní museum, Univerzita Karlova, s. 257–271.
  • Nováková, V. 2019 “Old Kingdom stone sarcophagi as indicators of social change”, in: Kuraszkiewicz, Kamil O. – Kopp, Edita – Takács, Daniel (eds.). ‘The Perfection that Endures…’ Studies on the Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, Warsaw: Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, s. 333–346.
  • Nováková, V. 2018 “Old Kingdom sarcophagi: the Abusir corpus”, in: Incordino, Ilaria – Mainieri, Stefania – D’Itria, Elena – Diletta Pubblico, Maria – Michele Rega, Francesco – Salsano, Anna (eds.). Current Research in Egyptology 2017. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual symposium, University of Naples “L’Orientale” 3-6 May 2017, Oxford: Archaeopress, s. 139–160.
  • Nováková, V. 2017 “The household of an Egyptian dignitary – the case of Ptahshepses”. Prague Egyptological Studies XVIII/2017, s. 95–109.
  • Nováková, V. 2016 (Bardoňová, M – Nováková, V.) Generous patrons, loyal clients? Some remarks on patronage of Middle Kingdom elites. In Current Research in Egyptology 17 (2016). Oxford: Oxbow, 2017, s. 74–90.
  • Štěpánová, V. 2012 Znovuzrození do posmrtného života – sarkofágy ve Staré říši (New life in the netherworld – stone sarcophagi in the Old Kingdom). Pražské egyptologické studie IX/2012, s. 79–91.

Updated on January 5, 2023

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