Prof. Dr. Miroslav Verner, DrSc.

  +420 221 619 617

M. Verner is an archeologist, Egyptologist and epigrapher with long-term archaeological experience in Egypt. He specialises in the history and archaeology of Egypt in the 3rd millennium B.C. He focuses above all on the archaeology of the time of the pyramid builders. He has taken part in archaeological works in Egypt since 1964. Since 1975 he is the director of the Czech archaeological excavations at Abusir. Prof. Verner is member of the UNESCO committee for ancient Egyptian antiquities, of Deutsches Achäologisches Institut and of the directorial board of the International Association of Egyptologists. Since 2005 he is the investigator in chief of the project “Investigation of the civilisation of Ancient Egypt” (Research Plan MŠMT ČR, MSM 0021620826)

Selected bibliography:


  • Verner, Miroslav – Faryová, Ivana. 200 let egyptologie. Archeologické vykopávky, slavné objevy a egyptologové. Praha, Euromedia 2021.
  • Verner, Miroslav, Vzpomínky na Núbii, zmizelou zemi zlata. Praha, Academia 2022.
  • Verner, Miroslav. The Pyramids. The Archaeology and History of Egypt’s Iconic Monuments. New and Updated Edition. Revised and augmented edition. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2020.
  • Verner, Miroslav. Abusir XXVIII. The Statues of Raneferef and the Royal Sculpture of the Fifth Dynasty, Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2017.
  • Verner, Miroslav. Sons of the Sun. Rise and Decline of the Fifth Dynasty, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2014.
  • Temple of the World. Sanctuaries, Cults, and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Cairo 2012.
  • Chrám světa. Svatyně, kulty a mystéria starého Egypta (Temple of the World. Sanctuaries, cults and mysteries of Ancient Egypt), Praha 2010.
  • J. Krejčí, V.G. Callender, M. Verner, (with contributions by Viktor Černý, Eugen Strouhal, Hana Vymazalová and Martina Žaloudková-Kujanová), Abusir XII. Minor tombs in the Royal Necropolis I (The Mastabas of Nebtyemneferes and Nakhtsare, Pyramid Complex Lepsius no. 24 and Tomb Complex Lepsius no. 25), Prague 2008.
  • Objevování starého Egypta, Praha 2008.
  • Miroslav Verner – Paule Posener–Kriéger – Hana Vymazalová, Abusir X. The Pyramid Complex of Raneferef. The Papyrus Archive, Praha 2006.
  • Miroslav Verner et al., Abusir IX. The Pyramid Complex of Raneferef. The Archaeology, Praha: Serifa, 2006.
  • Serr el–ahram (Secret of the Pyramids), Cairo 2005.
  • The Realm of Osiris. Abusir, Cairo: AUC Press 2002.
  • Abusir VI. Djedkare´s Family Cemetery, (with V. G. Callender), Praha 2002.
  • The Pyramids, [paperback edition], New York: Grove Atlantic 2002.
  • The Pyramids, London: Grove Atlantic 2002.
  • The Pyramids, Cairo: AUC Press 2002.
  • Le piramidi, Roma 2002.
  • Die Pyramiden, Tokio 2002.
  • The Pyramids, New York: Grove Atlantic 2001.
  • Die Pyramiden, [kapesní vydání], Hamburg: Rowohlt 1999.
  • Die Pyramiden, [revidované a přepracované české vydání], Hamburg: Rowohlt 1998.
  • Pyramidy, tajemství minulosti, Praha: Academia 1997.
  • spolu s L. Barešem a B. Vachalou, Ilustrovaná encyklopedie starého Egypta, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1997.
  • Abusir III. The Pyramid Complex of Khentkaus, (with contributions by P. Posener-Kriéger and P. Jánosi), Praha: Univerzita Karlova – Academia 1995.
  • Ztracené pyramidy, zapomenutí faraoni. Abusir, Praha: Academia 1994.
  • Forgotten Pharaohs, Lost Pyramids. Abusir. Praha: Academia 1994.
  • Vergessene Pharaonen, verlorene Pyramiden. Abusir, Praha: Academia 1994.
  • Abusir II. Baugraffiti der Ptahschepses-Mastaba, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1992.
  • M. Verner (ed.), Objevování starého Egypta – Unearthing Ancient Egypt, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1991.
  • M. Verner (ed.), František Lexa, zakladatel české egyptologie, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1989.
  • Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Altaegyptische Särge in den Museen und Sammlungen der Tschechoslowakei, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1983.
  • M. Verner (ed.), Preliminary Report on Czechoslovak Excavations in the Mastaba of Ptahshepses at Abusir, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1979.
  • Abusir I. The Mastaba of Ptahshepses I., Reliefs, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1977.
  • Some Nubian Petroglyphs, Praha: Univerzita Karlova 1974.


  • “Pyramid towns of Abusir”, in: SAK 41, 2012, 407–410.
  • “Betrachtungen zu den königlichen Palästen des Alten Reiches”, in: Sokar 24, 2012, 12–19.
  • “Inb(w) HD „White wall(s)“: a town or white limestone cliffs ?”, in: ZÄS Berlin 139, 2012, 103–104.
  • a Vladimír Brůna, “Why was the Fifth Dynasty cemetery founded at Abusir?”, in: Strudwick, N., Strudwick, H. (eds.), Old Kingdom, New Perspectives.Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750–2150, Oxford, Oxbow 2011, 286–294.
  • “The „Khentkaus-Problem“ Reconsidered, in: Miroslav Bárta, Filip Coppens and Jaromír Krejčí (eds.), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010, Praha 2011, 778–784.
  • “One seal and two sealings of the Fifth Dynasty and their historical implications”, in: Studies in honour of Ulrich Luft, Archaeopress (BAR) (Oxford,2011), pp. 333-336.
  • “Several considerations concerning the Old Kingdom royal palace (aH)”, in: Anthropologie – International Journal of the Science of Man XLVIII/2, Brno 2011, 91–96.
  • a Miroslav Bárta, Zdeňka Sůvová “The second renaissance of Abusir”, in: A. Woods, A. McFarlane & S. Binders (eds.), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, Cairo (SCA) 2010, 267–279.
  • “Abusir. Die tschechischen Grabungen im Herzen der Pyramidenfelder”, in: Sahure. Tod und Leben eines großen Pharao, München 2010, 153–165.
  • “Leben für den Tod. Die Texte der Abusir-Papyri”, in: Sahure. Tod und Leben eines großen Pharao, München 2010, 251–263.
  • “Eine neue Königsfamilie erringt die Macht”, in: V. Brinkmann (ed.), Sahure. Tod und Leben eines großen Pharao, München 2010, 44–55.
  • “Under the Flag of Sadik en-Nuba”, in: D. Magee, J. Bourriau, S. Quirke (eds.), Sitting Veside Lepsius. Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute (OLA 185), Leiden–Paris–Walpole, MA 2009, 581–588.
  • “The system of dating in the Old Kingdom”, in: H. Vymazalová, M. Bárta (eds.), Chronology and Archaeology in Ancient Egypt (The Third Millennium B.C.). Proceedings of the Conference Held in Prague (June 11–14, 2007), Prague 2008, 23–43.
  • “Gíza, Abúsír, Sakkára – k orientaci některých významných staveb na memfidské nekropoli”, in: Krejčí, J., Suková, L., Kapitoly z dějin egyptské archeoastronomie, Praha 2008, 43–57.
  • “Die Papyrus-Archive von Abusir”, in: Sokar 14, 2007, 25–33.
  • “Contemporaneous Evidence for the relative Chronology of Dyns. 4 and 5”, in: E. Hornung, R. Krauss and D. A. Warburton (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Chronology. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1. The Near and Middle East. Vol. 830, Brill, Leiden & Boston 2006.
  • “An Unusual Burial Practice”, in: Czerny, E. et al. (eds.), Timelines. Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak, Vols. I – III, (OLA 149) Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA 2006, 399–402.
  • “The Columns of Abusir”, in: M. Bárta, M. Verner (eds.), The Art and Archaeology of the Old Kingdom, Praha 2004, 343–356.
  • „Topographical terms in the papyrus archive of Neferra“, in: Miroslav Bárta – Filip Coppens – Jaromír Krejčí (eds.), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2005, Praha 2006, [v tisku].
  • “On the scrutiny of ancient Egyptian inspectors”, in: The World of Ancient Egypt. Essays in honour of Ahmed Abd el-Qader el-Sawi. Supplément no. 35, Le Caire 2006, pp. 255–260.
  • a Jaromír Krejčí, “Twin Pyramid Complex „Lepsius no. XXV in Abusir” in: The World of Ancient Egypt. Essays in honour of Ahmed Abd el-Qader el-Sawi. Supplément no. 35, Le Caire 2006, pp. 159–165.
  • “The Abusir Pyramids Quarry and Supply Road”, in: P. Jánosi (ed.), Structure and Significance. Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture, (DÖAW 33), Wien 2005, 531–538.
  • „Die geheimnissvollen Sonnenheiligtümer der 5. Dynastie in Abusir“, Sokar 10 (2005), 38–49.

Complete bibliography can be found here.

Updated 13.6.2024

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