ID (former ID)
Excavation: year/s of the excavation
Description of the structure: concise description of the structure.
Selected bibliography:
Excavation: including mummification deposit H 1, 1980–1993 (H 1 2003)
Description of the structure: Tomb of Udjahorresnet, overseer of the foreign mercenaries, late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: Bareš et al. 1999; Bareš 2004; Bareš 2009b; Smoláriková 2009a; Smoláriková 2011; Smoláriková 2013; Smoláriková 2015; Smoláriková 2019b; Smoláriková 2019c; Smoláriková – Bareš 2020.
Excavation: including south corridor R 2, 1995–2004
Description of the structure: Tomb of Priest Iufaa, late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: Strouhal et al. 2003; Strouhal 2004; Bareš – Smoláriková 2008; Bareš 2017; Landgráfová et al. 2017; Landgráfová – Janák 2017; Míčková 2018; Bareš 2019c; Bareš 2019b; Landgráfová 2019b; Landgráfová 2019c; Landgráfová – Janák 2019b; Bareš 2020; Landgráfová – Míčková 2020.
Excavation: 2001
Description of the structure: Tomb of Padihor, king’s acquaintance, late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: Coppens 2009.
Excavation: 2002
Description of the structure: Unknown owner, late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: Smoláriková 2009b; Strouhal 2009.
Excavation: including mummification deposit S 1, 2003–2008 (S 1 2003–2010)
Description of the structure: Tomb of Menekhibnekau, general of the army, late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: Bareš 2009a; Smoláriková 2006; Bareš 2010; Smoláriková 2010; Bareš 2013; Bareš – Smoláriková 2011; Janák – Landgráfová 2011; Janák – Landgráfová 2014; Bareš 2017; Bareš 2019a; Janák – Bělohoubková 2019; Landgráfová 2019a; Landgráfová – Janák 2019a; Bareš 2020; Landgráfová 2020.
Excavation: begun 2015, unfinished
Description of the structure: Owner yet unknown, probably late Twenty-sixth – early Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
Selected bibliography: unpublished.