
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces conference (26th and 27th June 2014, Faculty of Arts, Charles university in Prague) 

The Czech Institute of Egyptology has organized an international conference Profane landscapes, sacred spaces, which took place on 26th and 27th June 2014 at Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The aim of the meeting was a discussion of the issues connected to environment development and climate change research in Egyptology, and to the ways ancient Egyptians reflected their environment and created sacred spaces within the natural landscape.


Miroslav Bárta
Latest Discoveries at Abusir South, Egypt


Miroslav Bárta
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces: a View from Abusir


Linda Evans
Ancient Egyptian and Egyptological Attitudes towards the Natural World


Hana Navrátilová
Visitors’ Graffiti – Traces of a Re-appropriation of Sacred Spaces?


Andrea Loprieno-Gnirs
Challenged by Nature: Structural Damages in Theban Tombs


Andrés Diego Espinel
Some Profane and Sacred Features from Thebes


Ángeles Jimenéz Higueras
The Sacred Landscape of Dra Abu el-Naga


Jiří Janák
Birds, Oars and Jars – Ritual Landscape of Images and Script


John Burn
Drought, Famine and the Nile


Claire Ollett
Hatshepsut’s Temple at Deir el Bahari: Agenda and Legitimisation

Video Channel: Documentaries


Swimmers in the Sand



Czechoslovak Mission in Nubia in 1960’s


Unique footage from the archaeological missions of Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in 1960’s

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