alexandra.pastorekova(at) +420 221 619 613 |
Alexandra Pastoreková graduated in Classical Archaeology and Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. After studies she worked for the non-profit organization Archaia o.p.s. which is concerned in archaeological research of Prague and central Bohemia. At present she works as a technical staff at the Czech Institute of Egyptology and since 2015 she is enrolled in doctoral studies in Egyptology. She specializes in Roman period in Egypt focusing on art and material culture. She is also devoted to popularization of Egypt in lectures for public and is one of the co-organizer of the International Archaeology Day in Czech Republic.
since 2015 doctoral studies (PhD. dissertation: The Julian-Claudian Dynasty in Egypt. A Study of Roman Imperial Sculpture, mentor: PhDr. Filip Coppens, Ph.D.)
2003-2008 master studies in Egyptology in the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
1999-2005 master studies in Classical Archaeology in the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (M. A. thesis: Portrait of a child in Roman art, mentor: doc. PhDr. Iva Ondřejová, CSc.)