Mgr. Lenka Varadzinová, Ph.D.

Lenka Varadzinová   lenka.varadzinova(at)
  +420 221 619 614

Lenka Varadzinová (Suková) studied Egyptology and Indian Studies (specialization in Hindi) (master’s programme) and Egyptology (doctoral programme) at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. In April 2015, she defended her dissertation entitled The rock art of Northeast Africa: A case study of rock paintings from the Czechoslovak Concession in Lower Nubia. In 2003–2006, she worked in the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague as the assistant curator of the Department of Prehistory and Ancient History of the Near East and North Africa. Since 2007, she has worked as a researcher in the Czech Institute of Egyptology where she has focused on the cultural and social developments in Northeast Africa in the early and mid-Holocene (ca. 9000–3000 BC) and processed epigraphic and archaeological documentation from the field research by the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology in Lower Nubia during the UNESCO-organised rescue campaign (1961–1965). Since 2009, she has been engaged in field research in the Sudan, participating in the exploration of the Institute’s archaeological concession at Usli in northern Sudan and directing her own interdisciplinary exploration of prehistoric occupation in Jebel Sabaloka in central Sudan. Since 2020, she has been engaged as an expert in prehistory of the Sudan in the Shaqadud Project focused on cultural adaptations in non-aquatic environments of central Sudan in the early and mid-Holocene (Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, principal investigator Ladislav Varadzin), and in the Biological anthropology and archaeothanatology in central Sudan (CNRS-InEE and University of Bordeaux, in collaboration with the National Museum in Prague, principal investigator Isabelle Crevecoeur and Petra Brukner Havelková). At the Faculty of Arts, she lectures in the scope of the study programme of Egypt and the Near East in antiquity (Archaeology of the Sudan, Egypt and Nubia, Archaeological theory and interpretation I, II – with M. Bárta).


2008–2015: PhD (Egyptology), Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, The rock art of Northeast Africa: A case study of the rock paintings from the Czechoslovak Concession in Lower Nubia (supervisor: Miroslav Bárta, reviewers: Dirk Huyge and Břetislav Vachala)

2002–2008: Master of Arts (Egyptology – Indian Studies), Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, The rock art of Lower Nubia (supervisor: Miroslav Bárta)

1997–2001: Bachelor of Arts (Hindi language), Institute of Indian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, The image of India in the Czech society and literature of the 19th century (supervisor: Jaroslav Strnad)

Fieldwork in Northeast Africa

since 2021: Jebel Shaqadud, Western Butana, central Sudan, interdisciplinary exploration of prehistoric and historical occupation in a non-aquatic region, archaeologist

since 2009: Jebel Sabaloka (West Bank), central Sudan, interdisciplinary exploration of prehistoric occupation, research director

since 2009: Usli, northern Sudan, exploration of a Napatan and Meroitic temple and palatial complex, documentalist (2009), archaeologist (2010–2015)

2009–2011: Jebel Uweinat (Libya), Western Desert of Egypt, and the Sudan (diverse regions), study of prehistoric and historical rock art

2006: Southern Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, landscape and archaeological survey, documentalist

Research projects (principal investigator)

2017–2019: Communities and resources in late prehistory of Jebel Sabaloka, central Sudan: from analysis to synthesis (Czech Science Foundation project no. 17-03207S; co-investigator: RNDr. Petra Havelková, Ph.D., National Museum, Natural History Museum, Department of Anthropology)

2009–2011: The Rock Art of Northeast Africa in the Context of Landscape and Archaeology (project No. GA UK No. 15009)


Selected bibliography (2011–2021)

Monographs and edited volumes

  • Strouhal, E. et al. 2020. Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha-South: Late Roman – Early Byzantine Tumulus Cemeteries in Egyptian Nubia, Volume II. Anthropology. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts (annotated edition of an unpublished manuscript, edited by L. Varadzinová and P. Havelková).
  • Bárta, M. et al. (eds) 2019. Created for Eternity: The Greatest Discoveries of Czech Egyptology. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
  • Bárta, M. et al. (eds) 2018. Stvořené pro věčnost:  největší objevy české egyptologie. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta.
  • Varadzinová, L. 2016. From Aswan to Khartoum: Czech archaeological explorations between the Nile cataracts. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
  • Onderka, P., Vrtal, V. et al. 2014. Núbie. Země na křižovatce kultur / Nubia. A Land on the Crossroads of Cultures. Wad Ben Naga 2014. Praha: Národní muzeum.
  • Dospěl, M., Suková, L. (eds) 2013. Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts.
  • Suková, L. 2011. The Rock Art of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession). Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts.
  • Suková, L. 2011. The Rock Paintings of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession). Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts.


Chapters in books and papers in edited volumes

  • Varadzinová, L., Bárta, M., Kosinová, A., Lisá, L., Kallistová, A., Malátková, J., Dvořák, M. (in press). Wall paintings from the ‘southern wing’ of the brick complex at Usli. In: P. Onderka et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Meroitic Studies (National Museum in Prague, 5–9 September 2016). Prague: National Museum.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Garcea, E.A.A., Kapustka, K., Pacina, J. (in press). Prehistoric occupation of Jebel Sabaloka. In: M. Millet, F. Payraudeau, P. Tallet, V. Rondot, (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies. Paris: Musée du Louvre.
  • Garcea, E.A.A., D’Ercole, G., Varadzin, L., Varadzinová, L. (in press). Pottery and settlement dynamics in the late prehistory of Jebel Sabaloka: Results of the 2019 season. In: J. Kabaciński et al. (eds), Society and Subsistence in the Prehistory of Northeastern Africa. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Poznań, 1–4 July 2019, Poznań: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology and Poznań Archaeological Museum.
  • Varadzinová, L. 2020. Sacred places in the profane landscapes of Lower Nubia: a case study from the Czechoslovak concessions. In: M. Bárta, J. Janák (eds), Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces, 170–190. New Directions in Anthropological Archaeology, Equinox.
  • Varadzinová, L., Havelková, P. 2020. Editors’ preface. In: E. Strouhal et al., Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha-South: Late Roman – Early Byzantine Tumulus Cemeteries in Egyptian Nubia, Volume II. Anthropology (edited by L. Varadzinová, P. Havelková), 25–28. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
  • Strouhal, E., Havelková, P., Varadzinová, L. 2020. Appendix I. Catalogue of the skeletal remains of individuals from the Wadi Qitna cemetery. In: E. Strouhal et al., Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha-South: Late Roman – Early Byzantine Tumulus Cemeteries in Egyptian Nubia, Volume II. Anthropology (edited by L. Varadzinová, P. Havelková), 283–300. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
  • Strouhal, E., Havelková, P., Varadzinová, L. 2020. Appendix II. Demography and preservation of the Kalabsha-South individuals. In: E. Strouhal et al., Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha-South: Late Roman – Early Byzantine Tumulus Cemeteries in Egyptian Nubia, Volume II. Anthropology (edited by L. Varadzinová, P. Havelková), 301–302. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
  • Sůvová, Z., Varadzinová, L., Cílek, V., Odler, M., Pokorný, P., Varadzin, L. 2018. The production and consumption of ostrich eggshell beads at the Mesolithic site of Sphinx (SBK.W-60), Jebel Sabaloka: view from Trench 2 (2012). In: M. Honegger (ed.), Nubian Archaeology in the XXIst Century. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference for Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel, 1st–6th September 2014), 195–202. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 273. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters Editions.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Lisá, L., Pacina, J., Pokorný, P. 2018. Exploration of the Site of Sphinx (SBK.W-60), Jebel Sabaloka (West Bank): Findings of the 2014 Field Campaign. In J. Kabaciński, M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz, M. Winiarska-Kabacińska (eds), Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf, 193–205. Studies in African Archaeology, Vol. 15. Poznań: Poznań Archaeological Museum.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L. 2016. Od lovců k pastevcům: počátky svébytné africké cesty dějinami. In: P. Pokorný P. (ed.) et al., Afrika zevnitř. Kontinentem sucha a věčných proměn, 265–293. Praha: Nakladatelství Academia.
  • Suková, L. 2015. Pictures in place: a case study from Korosko (Lower Nubia). In: J. Kabaciński, M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Hunter-Gatherers and Early Food Producing Societies in Northeastern Africa, 119–143. Poznań: Poznań Archaeological Museum.
  • Suková, L., Varadzin, L., Pokorný, P. 2014. Prehistoric research at Jebel Sabaloka, Central Sudan (2011–2014). In: S. Sázelová, A. Hupková, T. Mořkovský (eds), Mikulov Anthropology Meeting, 149–153. Brno.
  • Dospěl, M., Suková, L. 2013. Exploration of the El-Hayz Oasis: Issues, approaches, challenges. In: M. Dospěl, L. Suková (eds), Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis, 3–18. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts.

Papers and studies in journals

  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Brukner Havelková, P., Crevecoeur, I., Garcea, E.A.A. (2022). Archaeology of Holocene hunter-gatherers at the Sixth Nile Cataract, central Sudan. Bulletin d’archéologie Marocaine 27: 101–118.
  • Varadzinová, L., Jakoubek, M. (in press). On Food, Pots, Gender, Iron, and Archaeological Theory: Interview with Professor Randi Haaland. African Archaeological Review 39: 113–132.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Garcea, E.A.A., D’Ercole, G., Řídký, J., McCool, J.-P., Altayeb Abdallah, Bushara Abdallah Adam. 2021. Prehistoric research in the western part of Jebel Sabaloka (spring 2019). Der Antike Sudan 32: 5–27.
  • Klokočník, J., Kostelecký, J., Varadzinová, L., Bezděk, A., Kletetschka, G. 2020. A Gravity Search for Oil and Gas and Groundwater in Egypt Using the Strike Angles Derived from EIGEN 6C4. Applied Sciences 10 (8950). doi:10.3390/app10248950
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L. 2020. The first notes on the second Khartoum Mesolithic cemetery at Jebel Sabaloka (Sudan). Archaeologia Polona 58: 121–133.
  • Garcea, E.A.A., D’Ercole, G., Sterba, J.H., Dunne, J., Manning, K., Gillard, T., Evershed, R.P., Varadzin, L., Varadzinová, L. 2020. Technological variability in foragers’ pottery productions at the early-mid  Holocene site of Sphinx, western bank of Jebel Sabaloka, Sudan. Quaternary International 555: 110–125.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Crevecoeur, I., Kapustka, K., McCool, J.-P., Sůvová, Z. 2019. Výzkum pravěkého osídlení v západní části pohoří Sabaloka v centrálním Súdánu: poznatky z výzkumné sezóny 2018. Pražské egyptologické studie XXII: 43–53.
  • Kapustka, K., Lisá, L., Bajer, A., Buriánek, D., Varadzin, L., Varadzinová, L. 2019. Gouges: Iconic Artifacts of the Early Neolithic Period in Central Sudan. African Archaeological Review 36: 505–534.
  • Varadzin, L., Varadzinová, L., Fuller, D.Q., Hamad Mohamed Hamdeen. 2019. Unknown hafir at Jebel Shaqadud: new evidence on water management in central Sudan. Der Antike Sudan 30: 111–116.
  • Vachala, B., Varadzinová, L. 2018. Pavel Červíček (1942–2015): list of publications on rock art. Ägypten und Levante 28: 21–24.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Kapustka, K., Pacina, J. 2018. Výzkum pravěkého osídlení v pohoří Sabaloka v centrálním Súdánu: poznatky z výzkumné sezóny 2017. Pražské egyptologické studie XX: 35–45.
  • Varadzinová, L. 2017. The rock art of Northeast Africa: Methodological achievements and perspectives of further research. Journal of African Archaeology 15: 234–255.
  • Varadzinová, L., Vachala, B. 2017. Pavel Červíček (1942–2015). Rock Art Research 34 (2): 223–224.
  • Varadzinová, L. 2017. The rock art of Northeast Africa: Methodological achievements and perspectives of further research. Journal of African Archaeology 15: 234–255.
  • Varadzin, L., Varadzinová, L., Pacina, J. 2017. From holes to huts: reconstructing an extinct type of architecture at the Sixth Nile Cataract (Sudan). Antiquity 91: 589–604.
  • Varadzinová, L., Varadzin, L., Čuláková, K., Řídký, J., Sůvová, Z. 2016. Výzkum lokality Sfinga (SBK.W-60) v pohoří Sabaloka v centrálním Súdánu: poznatky z výzkumné sezóny 2015. Pražské egyptologické studie XVI: 47–61.
  • Varadzinová Suková, L., Varadzin, L., Bajer, A., Lisá, L., Pacina, J., Pokorný, P. 2015. Tracing Post-depositional Processes at Mesolithic Occupation Sites in Central Sudan: View from the Site of Sphinx (SBK.W-60) at Jebel Sabaloka. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology VI (2): 133–150.
  • Varadzinová Suková, L., Varadzin, L. 2015. Výzkum lokality Sfinga (SBK.W-60) v pohoří Sabaloka v centrálním Súdánu: poznatky z výzkumné sezóny 2014. Pražské egyptologické studie XIV: 56–65.
  • Varadzinová Suková, L., Sůvová, Z., Cílek, V., Odler, M., Pokorný, P., Varadzin, L. 2015. Diskovité korálky ze skořápek pštrosích vajec z mezolitického sídliště Sfinga (SBK.W-60), pohoří Sabaloka (centrální Súdán). Pražské egyptologické studie XIV: 66–71.
  • Varadzinová Suková, L., Varadzin, L., Havelková, P., Novák, J., Pokorná, A., Pokorný, P. 2015. Raně postmerojský pohřeb lučištníka z pohoří Sabaloka. Pražské egyptologické studie XIV: 72–78.
  • Lisá, L., Bajer, A., Brůna, V., Varadzinová Suková, L., Bárta, M. 2015. Archeologie versus archeologizace: příkladová studie Usli, Súdán. Pražské egyptologické studie XIV: 115–120.
  • Sůvová, Z., Suková, L. 2014. Ryby a rybolov v súdánském mezolitu a neolitu: předběžné výsledky z pohoří Sabaloka. Pražské egyptologické studie XIII: 61–67.
  • Suková, L. 2014. František Lexa v Egyptě. Zpráva o studijní cestě zakladatele egyptologie v Československu do Egypta v letech 1930–1931. Pražské egyptologické studie XII: 40–50.
  • Bárta, M., Suková, L., Brůna, V. 2013. The latest explorations at Usli, Northern Province. Sudan & Nubia 17: 66–69.
  • Suková, L., Varadzin, L. 2013. Od lovců k pastevcům: otázka neolitizace severovýchodní Afriky. Živá archeologie 15 (1): 25–31.
  • Suková, L., Varadzin, L. 2012. Sabaloka Project: Exploration of Jebel Sabaloka (West Bank), 2009–2012. Sudan & Nubia 16: 118–131.
  • Suková, L., Varadzin, L. 2012. Výzkum pravěkého osídlení v pohoří Sabaloka v centrálním Súdánu. Pražské egyptologické studie 10: 3–10.
  • Suková, L., Cílek, V. 2012. The Landscape and Archaeology of Jebel Sabaloka and the Sixth Nile Cataract, Sudan. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology III (2): 189–201.
  • Suková, L. 2011. The “Venus” of Jebel Uweinat (SE Libya). Sahara 22: 117–124.


Updated 17.5.2022

Úvod > Institute > Staff > Mgr. Lenka Varadzinová, Ph.D.