+420 221 619 613 |
- 1964–1970 secondary school (mathematics and science branch), Prague, Czech Republic
- 1970–1972 Václav Hollar Art School, Prague, Czech Republic
- 1972–1977 Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Academic Degrees
Eng., Institute of Chemical Technology
- 1977–1979 Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis, Prague (researcher)
- 1981–1995 Academia, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (editor, graphic designer, editor in chief)
- 1995–1998 Karolinum, Publishing House of the Charles University in Prague (editor)
- 1998–2002 encyclopedic publishing house Diderot (editor, editor in chief)
- 2002–2004 Czech National Centre for Egyptology (graphic designer, draughtsman)
- 2004– Czech Institute of Egyptology (graphic designer, draughtsman)
Field Work in Egypt
- since 2003 excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology at Abusir, as an draughtsman
- since 2007 Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III. Temple Conservation Project, as an draughtsman
Selected publications (drawings)
- Miroslav Verner, Abusir IX. The Pyramid Complex of Raneferef. The Archaeology, Praha 2006
- Renata Landgráfová, Abusir XIV. Faience Inlays from the Funerary Temple of King Raneferef, Praha 2006
- Jaromír Krejčí, Vivienne G. Callender, Miroslav Verner et al., Abusir XXII. Minor tombs in the Royal Necropolis I, Prague 2008
- Miroslav Bárta, Abusir XIII. Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, His Sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib, and Iykai, Prague 2009
- Tarek El Awady, Sahure – the Pyramid Causeway, Prague 2009
- Miroslav Bárta et al., Abusir XXIII. The Tomb of the Sun Priest Neferinpu (AS 37), Prague 2014