The tomb of Padihor, located about 25 m to the east of Iufaa’s enclosure, is the smallest of the hitherto known tombs of this type. The main shaft measures 3.2 x 4 meters and is approximately 12 meters deep. At its bottom is a small burial chamber, measuring 2.4 m in length, 90 cm in width, and 1.25 m in height and having an east-west orientation. The inner walls (and also the ceiling) of the chamber are covered with religious texts (sections from the Pyramid texts and Coffin texts, lists of offerings), executed in relief. Somewhat unexpectedly, the relief signs were at several spots additionally corrected into the right shape with black paint.
The burial chamber was discovered almost empty. According to the remains of wood, it may be presumed that it originally contained a wooden coffin (perhaps double, as in the case of Neko). The name of the tomb owner can thus be found only in the texts on the walls and on several faience ushabti – the only preserved remains of the burial equipment. It was Padihor, who bore a single, rather unimportant title King’s chamberlain.
Noteworthy is also the discovery of an Arabic inscription in this tomb. It extends over sevral lines, is written in the Kufi script, and comes probably from the 10th – 11th centuries BC. It contains a report on the visit of this tomb.
Cf. also:
• L. Bareš – M. Dvořák – K. Smoláriková – E. Strouhal, „The shaft tomb of Iufaa at Abusir in 2001“, Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 129 (2002), pp. 105-106.